Page 179 - IC46 addendum
P. 179

Indian Accounting Standards

returns on surrender or insurance contract

maturity.     (unless the embedded

              guarantee is life-

              contingent to a

              significant extent) and is

              not closely related to

              the host insurance

              contract. Fair value

              measurement         is


2.8 Equity-linked return The      embedded Fair value measurement

available on surrender derivative is not an is required.
or maturity.
              insurance contract

              (unless the equity-

              linked return is life-

              contingent to a

              significant extent) and is

              not closely related to

              the host insurance

              contract. Fair value

              measurement         is


2.9 Embedded guarantee The        embedded Not applicable. The entire
of minimum equity guarantee is an contract is an insurance
returns that is available insurance contract contract (unless the life-
only if the policyholder (unless the life- contingent payments are
elects to take a life- contingent payments insignificant).
contingent annuity. are insignificant),

              because             the

              policyholder can benefit

              from the guarantee only

              by taking the annuity

              option (whether annuity

              rates are set at

              inception or at the date

              of annuitisation). Fair

              value measurement is

              not required (but not


2.10 Embedded guarantee If the guaranteed Fair value measurement
      of minimum equity payments are not is required.


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