Page 182 - IC46 addendum
P. 182
Insurance Contracts
the deposit component
(paragraph 10).
2.13 Policyholder option to Same as for a cash Same as for a cash
surrender a contract for surrender value (IG surrender value
account value based on Example 2.12). (IG Example 2.12).
a principal amount and
a fixed or variable
interest rate (or based
on the fair value of a
pool of interest-bearing
securities), possibly
after deducting a
surrender charge.
2.14 Policyholder option to The option is not closely Fair value measurement
surrender a contract for related to the host is required (paragraph
a surrender value contract (unless the AG30(d) and (e) of Ind AS
based on an equity or option is life-contingent 39).
commodity price or to a significant extent).
index. Fair value measurement
is required (paragraphs
8 of this Standard and
AG30(d) and (e) of Ind
AS 39).
2.15 Policyholder option to If the insurer measures If the insurer regards the
surrender a contract for that portion of its account value as the
account value equal to obligation at account amortised cost or fair
the fair value of a pool value, no further value of that portion of its
of equity investments, adjustment is needed obligation, no further
possibly after deducting for the option (unless adjustment is needed for
a surrender charge. the surrender value the option (unless the
differs significantly from surrender value differs
account value) (see significantly from account
paragraph AG33(g) of value). Otherwise, fair
Ind AS 39). Otherwise, value measurement is
fair value measurement required.
is required.
2.16 Contractual feature that The embedded deri- Fair value measurement
provides a return vative is not an is required.
contractually linked insurance contract and
(with no discretion) to is not closely related to
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