Page 178 - IC46 addendum
P. 178

Insurance Contracts

                     the money at inception,
                     see paragraph AG33(b)
                     of Ind AS 39).

(c) policyholder can The embedded option to Not applicable. The entire

elect to receive life- benefit from a guarantee contract is an insurance

contingent payments of life-contingent contract (unless the life-

or payments that payments is an contingent payments are

are not life- insurance contract insignificant).

contingent, and the (unless the life-

guarantee relates contingent payments

to both. When the are insignificant). Fair

policyholder makes value measurement is

its election, the not required (but not

issuer cannot prohibited).

adjust    the        The embedded option to
                     receive payments that
pricing of the       are not life-contingent
                     (‘the second option’) is
life-contingent      not an insurance
                     contract. However,
payments to reflect  because the second
                     option and the life-
the risk that the    contingent option are
                     alternatives, their fair
insurer assumes at   values are inter-
                     dependent. If they are
that time (see       so interdependent that
                     the issuer cannot
paragraph B29 of

this Standard for

discussion of

contracts with

separate accumul-

ation and payout


                     measure the second

                     option separately (ie

                     without considering the

                     life-contingent option),

                     the second option is

                     closely related to the

                     insurance contract. In

                     that case, fair value

                     measurement is not

                     required (but not


2.7 Embedded guarantee The         embedded Fair value measurement

of minimum equity guarantee is not an is required.


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