Page 173 - IC46 addendum
P. 173

Indian Accounting Standards

                             when combined, they do not transfer
                             insurance risk. Therefore, it is not
                             appropriate to separate this contract
                             into two ‘insurance’ components.

                             If the amount payable on death were
                             not adjusted in full for the time value
                             of money, or were adjusted in some
                             other way, the contract might
                             transfer insurance risk. If that
                             insurance risk is significant, the
                             contract is an insurance contract.

1.28 A contract meets the definition If the entities present individual or

of an insurance contract. It separate financial statements, they

was issued by one entity in a treat the contract as an insurance

group (for example a captive contract in those individual or

insurer) to another entity in separate financial statements (see

the same group.              Ind AS 27 Consolidated and

                             Separate Financial Statements).

                             The transaction is eliminated from
                             the group’s consolidated financial

                             If the intragroup contract is reinsured
                             with a third party that is not part of
                             the group, the reinsurance contract
                             is treated as a direct insurance
                             contract in the consolidated financial
                             statements because the intragroup
                             contract is eliminated on

1.29 An agreement that entity A The contract is an insurance

will compensate entity B for contract if it transfers significant

losses on one or more insurance risk from entity B to

contracts issued by entity B entity A, even if some or all of the

that do not transfer significant individual contracts do not transfer

insurance risk.              significant insurance risk to entity B.

                             The contract is a reinsurance


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