Page 169 - IC46 addendum
P. 169

Indian Accounting Standards

                             only changes in market prices for
                             such assets (a financial variable) but
                             also the condition of the specific
                             asset held (a non-financial variable).

                             However, if the contract
                             compensates the beneficiary only for
                             changes in market prices and not
                             for changes in the condition of the
                             beneficiary’s asset, the contract is
                             a derivative and within the scope of
                             Ind AS 39.

                             Residual value guarantees given by
                             a lessee under a finance lease are
                             within the scope of Ind AS 17

1.16 Product warranties issued Insurance contracts, but excluded

directly by a manufacturer, from the scope of this Standard (see

dealer or retailer.          Ind AS 18 Revenue and Ind AS 37).

1.17 Product warranties issued Insurance contracts, no scope

by a third party.            exclusion. Same treatment as other

                             insurance contracts.

1.18 Group insurance contract Insurance risk is insignificant.
        that gives the insurer an Therefore, the contract is a financial
        enforceable and non- instrument within the scope of Ind
        cancellable contractual right AS 39. Servicing fees are within the
        to recover all claims paid scope of Ind AS 18 (recognise as
        out of future premiums, with services are provided, subject to
        appropriate compensation various conditions).
        for the time value of money.

1.19 Catastrophe bond: bond in Financial instrument with embedded
        which principal, interest derivative. Both the holder and the
        payments or both are reduced issuer measure the embedded
        if a specified triggering event derivative at fair value.
        occurs and the triggering
        event does not include a
        condition that the issuer of
        the bond suffered a loss.


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