Page 165 - IC46 addendum
P. 165
Indian Accounting Standards
1.2 Death benefit that could Insurance contract (unless
exceed amounts payable on contingent amount is insignificant in
surrender or maturity all scenarios that have commercial
substance). Insurer could suffer a
significant loss on an individual
contract if the policyholder dies
early. See IG Examples 1.23–27 for
further discussion of surrender
1.3 A unit-linked contract that This contract contains a deposit
pays benefits linked to the component (100 per cent of unit
fair value of a pool of assets. value) and an insurance component
The benefit is 100 per cent of (additional death benefit of 1 per
the unit value on surrender cent). Paragraph 10 of the Standard
or maturity and 101 per cent permits unbundling (but requires it
of the unit value on death. only if the insurance component is
material and the issuer would not
otherwise recognise all obligations
and rights arising under the deposit
component). If the insurance
component is not unbundled, the
whole contract is an investment
contract because the insurance
component is insignificant in relation
to the whole contract.
1.4 Life-contingent annuity Insurance contract (unless
contingent amount is insignificant in
all scenarios that have commercial
substance). Insurer could suffer a
significant loss on an individual
contract if the annuitant survives
longer than expected.
1.5 Pure endowment. The Insurance contract (unless the
insured person receives transfer of insurance risk is
a payment on survival to insignificant). If a relatively
a specified date, but homogeneous book of pure
beneficiaries receive nothing endowments is known to consist of
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