Page 170 - IC46 addendum
P. 170
Insurance Contracts
1.20 Catastrophe bond: bond in The contract is an insurance
which principal, interest contract, and contains an insurance
payments or both are reduced component (with the issuer as
significantly if a specified policyholder and the holder as the
triggering event occurs and insurer) and a deposit component.
the triggering event includes (a) If specified conditions are met,
a condition that the issuer of paragraph 10 of the Standard
the bond suffered a loss requires the holder to unbundle
the deposit component and
apply Ind AS 39 to it.
(b) The issuer accounts for the
insurance component as
reinsurance if it uses the bond
for that purpose. If the issuer
does not use the insurance
component as reinsurance, it is
not within the scope of this
Standard, which does not
address accounting by
policyholders for direct
insurance contracts.
(c) Under paragraph 13 of the
Standard, the holder could
continue its existing accounting
for the insurance component,
unless that involves the
practices prohibited by
paragraph 14.
1.21 An insurance contract issued The contract will generally be
by an insurer to a defined eliminated from the financial
benefit pension plan covering statements, which will include:
the employees of the insurer,
or of another entity (a) the full amount of the pension
consolidated within the same obligation under Ind AS 19
financial statements as the Employee Benefits, with no
insurer. deduction for the plan’s rights
under the contract.
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