Page 168 - IC46 addendum
P. 168

Insurance Contracts

1.12 A credit-related guarantee Not an insurance contract. A
        that does not, as a derivative within the scope of Ind
        precondition for payment, AS 39.
        require that the holder is
        exposed to, and has incurred
        a loss on, the failure of
        the debtor to make payments
        on the guaranteed asset
        when due. An example of
        such a guarantee is one
        that requires payments in
        response to changes in a
        specified credit rating or
        credit index.

1.13 Guarantee fund established The contract that establishes the
        by contract. The contract guarantee fund is an insurance
        requires all participants to contract (see IG Example 1.11).
        pay contributions to the
        fund so that it can meet
        obligations incurred by
        participants (and, perhaps,
        others). Participants would
        typically be from a single
        industry, eg insurance,
        banking or travel.

1.14 Guarantee fund established  The commitment of participants to
        by law.                  contribute to the fund is not
                                 established by a contract, so there
                                 is no insurance contract. Within the
                                 scope of Ind AS 37 Provisions,
                                 Contingent Liabilities and Contingent

1.15 Residual value insurance or Insurance contract within the scope

residual value guarantee. of the Standard (unless changes in

Guarantee by one party of the condition of the asset have an

the fair value at a future date insignificant effect). The risk of

of a non-financial asset held changes in the fair value of the non-

by a beneficiary of the insur- financial asset is not a financial risk

ance or guarantee.               because the fair value reflects not


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