Page 18 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 18


          Mutual Fund

          Shares given as gift may          and filed its objections against reopen-  lio count as of March 2024. The share
                                            ing of assessment, which the assessing  of assets under management of these
          escape capital gains tax          officer had rejected.              categories has increased from 45% in
          If shares are transferred as a gift,  The assessee challenged it through a  March 2019.
          there may not be capital gains tax on  writ petition in the court.   Debt funds saw moderate growth of
          them, provided a recent Bombay High                                  around 7% in FY24 to close with assets
          Court ruling sets a precedent.    Manish Garg, transfer pricing and liti-
                                            gation expert at AKM Global, said the  of 12.62 lakh crore, after contracting
          In a case related to Mumbai-based Jai  judgment is likely to provide clarity on  2% and 9% in the previous two finan-
          Trust versus Union government, the  transactions where capital assets are  cial years, 2022 and 2023, respectively,
          court ruled that a gift is a consider-  transferred without consideration.  showed data from the mutual fund in-
          ation-less transaction, and hence, not                               dustry body.
          liable for capital gains tax.     He said the tax  department  often
                                            views these transactions as tax plan-  The category also gained in folios, al-
          It quashes the reassessment notice is-  ning tools and tries to plug the under-  beit a small number of over 5,000 fo-
          sued by the tax authorities alleging  lying evasion.                 lios in fiscal FY24, after declines in the
          that a specific income has escaped as-                               previous two fiscals, according to the
          sessment on transfer of shares as gift                               industry  body.  In  terms  of  asset
          by the trust.                     MF industry assets grow            growth, money market and liquid funds

          The court held that a gift is a voluntary  35% in FY24               saw the highest absolute asset gain of
          transfer and does not require a consid-  The mutual fund industry's assets un-  40,000 crore and 31,000 crore respec-
          eration, and when there is a consider-  der  management  grew  by  35%  in  tively, it said.
          ation received, only then can the profit  FY24, recording the highest gain since
          or gain be measured. The assessee  fiscal FY21 when the industry grew by Incomplete KYC: 1.3 crore
          being a trust, had filed a 'zero' return  41%, said the Association of Mutual  investor a/cs on hold
          of income, which was accepted and  Funds India (AMFI).
          processed.                        The number of folios closed at a record  KYC registration entities, KRAs in mar-
                                                                               ket parlance, said out of nearly 11
          The assessee had transferred shares of  high of 17.78 crore, with the investor  crore investors under Sebi's regulatory
          United Phosphorus (UPL) and Uniphos  base standing at around 4.46 crore.  purview, about 1.3 crore accounts are
          Enterprises Limited (UEL), both public  AMFI said individual investors domi-  'on hold' (meaning these investors
          listed companies, to one Nerka Chemi-  nated mutual fund categories such as  can't transact in stocks, MFs and com-
          cals Private Limited (NCPL). It was by  equity, hybrid and solution-oriented  modities using these KYCs) since these
          way of a gift without any consider-  schemes with the three categories to-  do not conform to Sebi rules for vari-
          ation.                            gether accounting for nearly 58% of  ous reasons. The five KRAs jointly came
          Thereafter, the trust received notice  the industry assets and 80% of the fo-  out with a detailed release as there

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