Page 20 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 20

RBI imposes Rs. 60.3 lakh         of any transaction of agreement en-  NPAs) was 5.7 per cent in 2013-14. It
                                            tered into by the banks with their re-  increased to 8.8 per cent in 2022-23.
          fine on five co-operative         spective customers.                The proportion of bad loans - after

          banks                                                                accounting for provisions (or net NPAs)
          The Reserve Bank has imposed penal- Tough times for urban co-        -  was 2.1  per  cent  in  2022-23,  or
          ties totalling Rs 60.3 lakh on five co-  operative banks             roughly similar to where it was a de-
          operative banks for contravention of                                 cade  ago.  The  gross  NPA  ratio  of
                                            Urban cooperative banks in India trace
          various regulatory norms.                                            scheduled  commercial  banks,  the
                                            their history to the 19th century and
          A penalty of Rs 43.30 lakh has been                                  larger peers of urban cooperatives,
                                            were set up after the success of simi-
          imposed on Rajkot Nagarik Sahakari                                   was 3.9 per cent and their net NPA
                                            lar initiatives in Europe, trace their his-
          Bank for non-compliance with RBI di-                                 ratio was 1 per cent in 2022-23.
                                            tory to the 19th century.
          rections on 'ban on loans and advances                               The RBI governor in September 2023
          to directors and their relatives, and  The last few years have not been great  expressed concern over the bad loans
          firms/concerns in which they are inter-  for the segment that holds more than  of urban co-operative banks. Earlier
          ested', 'prohibition on opening of sav-  Rs 5 trillion in deposits, Reserve Bank  that year, the central bank notified
          ing bank accounts in the names of cer-  of India (RBI) data released as part of  measures to strengthen such banks.
          tain bodies/organizations' and 'mainte-  its  'Primary  (Urban)  Co-operative
          nance of deposit accounts'.       Banks' Outlook 2022-23'.           The value of loans they have given is
                                                                               up 65 per cent since 2013-14 to Rs 3.3
          The central bank has imposed a mon-  Cooperative banks are popular because
                                                                               trillion. The  value  of  deposits has
          etary penalty of Rs 5 lakh each on The  they often give higher interest than
          Kangra Co-operative Bank (New Delhi),  other banks but many of them are fi-  grown slightly faster at 68 per cent, to
          Rajdhani  Nagar  Sahkari  Bank    nancially weaker after the pandemic.  Rs 5.3 trillion.
          (Lucknow), and Zila Sahakari Bank,  The RBI rates banks on the basis of  From 2020, deposits are insured up to
          Garhwal (Kotdwar, Uttarakhand).   factors such as capital adequacy, asset  Rs 5 lakh after the failure of Punjab and

          Besides, a penalty of Rs 2 has been  quality, management, earning, liquid-  Maharashtra Co-operative Bank (PMC)
          imposed on District Co-operative Bank  ity and system and controls. Around 22  the year before.
          (Dehradun).                       per cent of urban cooperative banks  Deposits have grown since then. The
                                            were put in the lowest two categories
          In each case, the RBI said the penal-                                percentage of deposits insured in urban
                                            in 2018-19.
          ties are based on deficiencies in regu-                              cooperative banks has dropped from
          latory  compliance  and  are not in-  The share of bad loans in their portfo-  71.2 per cent in 2021-22 to 69.5 per
          tended to pronounce upon the validity  lio (or gross non-performing assets,  cent in 2022-23.

            18 | 2024 | JUNE                                                               | BANKING FINANCE
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