Page 22 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 22


          over 'streedhan', Supreme Court held  This is not in violation of Article 14 of  sions judge or an additional sessions
          that streedhan cannot become joint  the Indian Constitution. This order was  judge has the jurisdiction to try a com-
          property of a couple, and a husband  given in the case of All India Bank Of-  plaint under the Insolvency and Bank-
          has no control over his wife's assets,  ficers' Confederation. The I-T Act con-  ruptcy Code (IBC), 2016, the Supreme
          which he may use during times of dis-  tains provisions for taxation of perqui-  Court held as it quashed a 2022 verdict
          tress but must return to her.     sites under the head 'Salary' in the  of the Bombay High Court.
                                            hands of employees.
          Adjudicating a matrimonial dispute                                   The Bombay High Court had allowed a
          over streedhan, a bench of Justices  Section 17 (2) defines perquisites to  plea challenging the order passed by
          Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta said  include rent-free or concessional resi-  an additional sessions judge directing
          a woman has absolute rights over her  dential accommodation, meeting of  issuance of process against two former
          streedhan - gifts given to a woman  personal expenses by the employer, or  directors of a firm on a complaint filed
          before, during, or after marriage, such  its contribution to various funds. Rule  by  the  Insolvency  and Bankruptcy
          as money, jewellery, land, utensils and  3 lays down the valuation norms.  Board of India.
          other gifts from parents, parents-in-  Section 17(2) contains a residual sub-  While dealing with an appeal filed by
          law, relatives and friends.       clause (viii), introduced in 2001, which  the Board challenging the high court
          "It is her absolute property with all  provides that the value of any other  verdict, a bench of Justices BR Gavai
          rights to dispose of at her own pleasure.  fringe benefit or amenity as may be  and Sandeep Mehta said the HC had
          The husband has no control over her  prescribed by CBDT shall be included in  "grossly erred" in quashing the com-
          streedhan. He may use it during times  'perquisite'.                 plaint only on the ground that it was
          of his distress, but nonetheless, he has  In this regard, Rule 3(7) prescribes vari-  filed before a special court presided
          a moral obligation to restore the same  ous types of fringe benefits or amenity  over by a sessions judge.
          or its value to his wife. Therefore,  like interest-free or concessional loan,  "It is held that the special court pre-
          streedhan property does not become  travelling/touring/accommodation,  sided by a sessions judge or an addi-
          joint property of the wife and the hus-  free food and non-alcoholic beverages,  tional sessions judge will have jurisdic-
          band, and the husband has no title or  gifts or vouchers, credit card expenses,  tion to try the complaint under the
          independent dominion over the prop-  club membership, use or transfer of  Code," the bench said in its verdict.
          erty as its owner," the bench stated.  movable assets and any other benefit
                                            or amenity, service, right or privilege.  It remitted the matter to the high
          The court noted that a man or his
                                            Rule 3(7) also provides the basis of  court  for  fresh  consideration  on
          family members could be prosecuted
                                            valuation for such fringe benefits.  merits.
          under Section 406 of IPC for criminal
                                            Rule 3(7)(i), inter-alia, provides that  The Bench noted the submissions of the
          breach of trust if streedhan is dishon-
          estly misappropriated.            the value of the benefit to the tax-  Board's counsel who argued that the
                                            payer resulting from the provision of  high court had erred in holding that in
          It also held that in such cases, the dis-  interest-free or concessional loan for  view of the Companies (Amendment)
          pute should not be decided based on  any purpose made available to the  Act, 2017, only the offences committed
          proof beyond reasonable doubt as in  employee or any member of his/her  under the Companies Act can be tried
          criminal cases.                   household shall be determined by reck-  by a special court consisting of sessions
                                            oning the interest rate charged by SBI  or additional sessions judge.
          Loans  given  to  Bankers         as on the first day of the relevant tax  It noted that the Board's counsel has
          Taxable: SC                       year for similar loans.            submitted that the reasoning given by

          In its recent order, a division bench of  SC says special court pre-  the high court that the offences other
          the Supreme Court (SC) has held that                                 than the Companies Act cannot be
          provision  of  interest  free  or sided  over  by  sessions          tried by the special court consisting of
          concessional loans provided by banks to  judge can try plaints un-   sessions judge or additional sessions
          its employees shall be taxable in their                              judge was totally in ignorance of the
          hands as a perquisite under section 17  der IBC                      provisions of sub-section (1) of section
          of the Income-tax (I-T) Act.      A special court presided over by a ses-  236 of the Code.

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