Page 51 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 51


          ROLE OF 5G IN




          IN THE BANKING


         T        he emergence of 5G technology presents a    lower latency, and increased capacity, paving the way for
                  transformative opportunity for the banking
                                                              transformative  applications  and  services  in  various
                  industry. Defined by its high speed, low latency,
                  and  increased  capacity,  5G  promises  to
          revolutionize the way financial institutions operate and  Key Features of 5G and their Significance
          interact with customers. Let us delve into the potential
          applications of 5G, exploring how it can enhance various  for Banking:
          aspects of banking operations and customer experience.  High  Speed:  5G  offers  significantly  faster  data
                                                                 transmission compared to previous generations of
          How 5G works?                                          mobile networks. This enables seamless real-time
                                                                 transactions, faster data processing, and efficient
          5G technology operates across a broader range of radio  handling of large data sets.
          frequencies, utilizes small cell deployment, employs Massive
          MIMO and beamforming techniques to enhance capacity    Low Latency:  Reduced delay in data transmission
          and coverage, introduces network slicing for optimized  allows for near-instantaneous responses, crucial for
          resource allocation, and leverages edge computing for  time-sensitive operations like fraud detection and
          reduced latency and improved performance. Together, these  algorithmic trading.
          elements enable 5G networks to deliver faster data speeds,  Increased Capacity: 5G networks can accommodate a
                                                                 larger volume of connected devices, fostering the
                                                                 growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and facilitating
                                About the author
                                                                 broader access to financial services.

                          Sheik Nizamudeen D                  Transformative Applications  of  5G in
                          Chief Manager (IT) Faculty
                          ULA -Digital Transformation         Banking:
                          Powai, Mumbai
                                                              1. Enhanced Mobile Banking Experience: 5G empowers

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