Page 50 - Banking Finance June 2024
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          B. Bias and fairness in AI algorithms: Biases originating E. Deepfakes: Deepfakes is portmanteau of 'Deep Learning'
          from the data used for training AI systems, including  and 'Fakes' & is a type of synthetic media which is used to
          emotional AI, may be introduced into them. According to a  manipulate one person's identity with the other. It can also
          2018  study by  academics  at MIT and Stanford,  face  refer to computer generated images, which do not exist in
          recognition software from well-known tech companies, such  actual. The deepfake technology leverage technology from
          as IBM, Microsoft, and Face++, showed notable biases,  Deep Learning and facial recognition algorithms and artificial
          especially against women and those with darker skin tones.  neural networks such as variational autoencoders (VAEs) and
          It's crucial to carefully select representative and diverse  generative adversarial networks (GANs). The newest
          training datasets and use strategies to reduce biases in the  techniques used by cybercriminals are deepfake videos. Many
          models themselves if you want AI algorithms to operate  cases have already been filed in India.
          C. The potential  for  emotional  manipulation:     To summarize, Emotional AI, or affective computing,
          Emotional AI has the ability to be used for manipulating  represents a more advanced tool in artificial intelligence,
          people for a range of purposes, such as social engineering,  aiming to enable machines with the ability to recognize,
          marketing, and politics. Using psychological profiling and  interpret, and simulate human emotions correctly. It's a
          targeted advertising, the now-defunct data firm Cambridge  field that intersects technology with psychology, cognitive
          Analytica affected voter behavior during the 2016 US  science, and human-computer interaction, leading to the
          presidential election. This is one notable incident. Protecting  creation of systems that can sense and respond to the
          the public interest requires establishing rules and laws to  emotional states of humans. Affective computing or
          stop the unethical use of emotional AI for manipulation.  Emotional AI is also growing in importance as a tool in the

                                                              banking industry, where it is used in areas such as marketing
          D. Balancing AI-driven emotional support with       and customer service, security and compliance, and risk
          human interaction: While AI-driven emotional support  assessment methods.
          technologies, like therapeutic chatbots and adaptive
          learning systems, can be incredibly beneficial, it's crucial to  However, there are few challenges like Data privacy issues,
          strike a balance when it comes to maintaining strong human  biases in machine algorithm, emotional manipulation by
          ties. The Journal of Medical Internet Research released a  machines and recently developed Deepfakes. The proper
          2020 study that found that while AI-driven mental health  development and application of emotional AI depend heavily
          therapies can be helpful, they shouldn't replace or take the  on addressing these ethical issues and difficulties. We can
          place of human therapists. Promoting the amalgamation of  maximize the potential advantages of emotional AI while
          artificial intelligence-powered instruments with human  lowering the risks and guaranteeing a beneficial effect on
          assistance frameworks can guarantee that technology  society by encouraging responsible dialogues, setting rules,
          amplifies, instead of supplanting, human relationships.  and encouraging moral behaviour.

                                                              Note: 'Views and opinion expressed in the article are of
                                                              author's and not of the Bank.'

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