Page 48 - Banking Finance June 2024
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          with physically demanding employment, such as first  how Banks interact with customers, leading to more
          responders.                                         effective and personalized experiences.

          Patient care: In addition to reminding elderly patients  Like any other service industry, Banks also look for process
          enrolled in long-term medical programs to take their  optimization.  Process  Optimization  means  lowering
          medications, a "nurse bot" speaks with them daily to check  Operating costs and maximizing profitability. This includes
          on their general health.                            both  front-end  and  back-end  processing.  Like claim
                                                              processing in the Insurance sector where machine learning
          Automobile safety: Computer vision technology allows  and NLP (Natural Language Processing) can be used to
          automakers to keep an eye on a driver's emotional condition.  process large volumes  of customer data and offer a
          The motorist may doze off due to tiredness or an intense  customized solution in real-time. In mortgage processing
          emotional condition.                                again the NLP plays an important role, where it is used to
                                                              go through the terms and conditions to the mortgagor and
          Self-driving car: In the future, a multitude of sensors, like  mortgagee in real time and prepare a mutually agreeable
          as cameras and microphones, will be installed inside self-  document.
          driving cars to monitor their surroundings and gather user
          feedback.                                           For customer service emotional AI also plays an important
                                                              role where custom-built intelligent chatbots are used to
          Recruiting: During job interviews, software is utilized to  streamline the tedious customer service processes. This
          assess a candidate's believability.                 process simplifies customer requests on their own and
                                                              prioritizes sentiment-based tickets to the concerned
          Call center intelligent routing:  An irate client can be  department. Few of the uses, where Emotional AI plays an
          identified right away and directed to a skilled representative  important role in day-to-day Banking are-
          who can also track the conversation's progress in real time Market and Customer  Service:  Various tools like
          and make necessary adjustments.                     sentiment analysis; that could detect and score emotions
                                                              hidden within audio files, transcription AI tools, keyword
          Retailers: To gather data on customer behavior and mood  matching, and event analysis are advanced Emotional AI
          as well as demographics, retailers are investigating the  tools,  that  are  helping  banking  to  build  customer
          installation of computer vision emotion AI systems at their  touchpoints effectively and in real time. These tools help
          establishments.                                     banks to identify the positives and negatives in products &
                                                              processes and create scope for improvement. AI tool also
          Usage of Emotional AI in Banking and                prioritize the aggrieved customers' ticket by identifying his
                                                              tone and pitching.
          Emotional AI is a boon for service industry like Bank, where
          there is always a challenge to satisfy customer's needs. Be
          it marketing of a new scheme, product delivery or complaint
          resolution. The prime motive of the Bank is to increase the
          customer base by adding new customers as well as to retain
          existing customers. Banks always deal with individuals, and
          it is very important for Banks that their customers must feel
          that their bank recognizes them as individuals rather than
          just generic customers. These "connected consumers" are
          more likely to obtain services from their bank without initially
          comparing prices. The implementation of Artificial Emotional
          Intelligence (AEI) in the Banking sector will revolutionize

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