Page 39 - Insurance Times December 2018
P. 39


          BE AWARE OF LAW


          WINNING OVER

          YOUR CLAIMS

         Prologue :                                           that for various insurance disputes while redressing of
                                                              all the insurance grievances in various Redressal Forums, the
         The  ''Law  of  Limitation''  prescribes  the  time-limit  for
                                                              cause of action starts from the date of rejection of the
         different suits  within,  which  an  aggrieved person  can
         approach the court for redress or justice. It says that in  claim.
         computing the period of limitation for any suit, appeal or
         application,  the  day  from  which  such  period  is  to  be  Yet, a judgment of the Supreme Court is sometimes being
         reckoned. Limitation Period is the key to the Insurance  misinterpreted out of context to claim that the date of
                                                              rejection of the claim is irrelevant as the limitation period
                                                              starts from the date of the incident or occurrence of loss
                                                              in respect of which the claim is lodged.
         Limitation period means the time within which a person
         must file his case before a judicial authority for exercising
                                                              Consequently, consumers are at the receiving end as any
         his rights. This period is to be calculated from the date of
                                                              complaint filed after two years of the date of the incident is
         the  cause  of  action.  This  term  does  not  have  any
         definition, but it is well settled that "cause of action" is a  being rejected as time barred without considering the date
         mixed question of fact and law. It has consistently been held  of rejection of the claim. As per the Indian law - the manner
                                                              of computing the limitation period for deciding an appeal to
                                                              the various forum of the judiciary is given under Article 44
                                About the author              (b) of the Limitation Act 1963, which states that time is to
                          Anabil Bhattacharya                 be calculated from "the date of the occurrence causing the
                          B.M.E. (Honours), F.I.I.I., Risk Inspecting  loss, or where the claim on the policy is denied either partly
                          Engineer  &  Insurance  Counselor,  or wholly, the date of such denial". But comparing the
                          Retired  Chief  Manager,  H.O.,  National  ordinary commercial contracts relating other goods / service
                          Insurance Co. Ltd., KOLKATA.        oriented functioning; the case is definitely different in our
                          E-mail -    Indian Insurance parlance. Let us look into it.

                                                                      The Insurance Times, December 2018 39
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