Page 136 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 136
The Insurance Times
cycles, up to a limit of Rs. 10,000 in any one period
of insurance.
(viii) Section 8 - loss of or damage to personal baggage due
to accident or misfortune whilst travelling anywhere in
(ix) Section 9 - personal accident insurance for the
insured, his spouse and children as per personal
accident insurance practice.
(x) Section 10(A) legal liability of the insured in respect
of accidental death or bodily injury to third party
through fault or negligence of the insured or his family
members upto a limit of Rs. 25,000 in any one event
or during the policy period.
Section 10(B) legal liability as per WC act/common
law in respect of employees
For the cover to be allowed however, the building has to
be constructed by Class A construction material.
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