Page 385 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 385

Miscellaneous Insurance

premium is 15% for earthwork/mud work and 30% for
stored salt.

Q3.a) Write short notes on Pedal Cycle Insurance?

Ans. Provides cover for
         (A) loss or damage of the pedal cycle by Fire, lightning,
              explosion, burglary, housebreaking, theft, or by
              accidental external accidental means and legal
              liability of the insured.(Subject to an excess of Rs.10
              per claim).

         (B) Insureds legal liability for bodily injury to the public
              and damage to the property of the public, subject to
              a specified limit, say, Rs.15,000. The insured can
              opt for both (a) and (b) or only (b).

         (C) Loss or damage to rubber tyres, lamps, tools and
              accessories is covered only if they are lost or
              damaged in the same accident in which the insured
              pedal cycle is also damaged.

         (D) Theft of these parts is covered if the insured pedal
              cycle is also stolen at the same time. The cover is
              not valid if the insured pedal cycle is overloaded, or
              in racing, pace making or speed tests.

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