Page 386 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 386
The Insurance Times
Exclusions: Usual wear and tear, mechanical
breakdown, as also losses arising from war, riot, strikes,
earthquake and such other convulsions of nature.
On payment of additional premium,
(i) Riot and strikes risks may be covered.
(ii) Personal accident benefits may be granted.
The premium rates depend on the cover opted by the
insured, and the limit of indemnity selected by the insured
in respect of third party cover. Some insurers also offer
discounts if more than one cycles are insured under a
single policy.
Q3.b) What are the cover provided under missing
document policy ? Who has to obtain the
cover ?
Ans : This provides indemnity against loss of important
documents like share certificates, bank deposit receipts,
life insurance policies etc, and their subsequent duplicate
issuance. Since there is no guarantee that the original
documents have perished, or they have not fallen into
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