Page 3 - Life Insurance Today January 2018
P. 3
Vol. XIII No. 10 January 2018
ISSN - 0973-4813
Editor-in-Chief Editorial
Ram Gopal Agarwala
B.Com., L.L.B., F.C.A.
CA Rakesh Agarwal The Editorial Team of 'Life Insurance Today' wishes a
M.Com. (BIM), F.C.A., DISA, L.L.B., very Happy New Year, 2018 to all its Readers,
F.I.I.I., P.G.J.M.C., M.B.A., Ph.D
Associate Editor Subscribers, Advertisers, Authors, Printers and all the
Shyam Agarwal vendors associated with the publication.
M.Com.(BIM), A.C.A., DISA, F.I.I.I., P.G.J.M.C.
Resident Editor Our Publication is going to complete its purposeful
Dr. Abhijeet K. Chattoraj, Noida uninterrupted publication since last 13 years to be
Dr. B. K. Jha, Sultanpur
K. L. Madhok, New Delhi completed in March, 2018.
Shaik Gulam Afzal Biya Bani, Saudi Arabia
R. Venugopal, Bangalore We could serve the Life Insurance Industry as well as
Correspondence Address our esteemed readers during these 13 years of its
25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007, India purposeful publication which is still the only journal
Phone : 033-2269 6035 / 4007 8428
E-mail : published in Life Insurance sector till date.
Website :
Portal: In order to cover the information's pertaining to Life
Registered Office Insurance Industry more comprehensively we are
31/1, Sadananda Road, P.S. Kalighat,
Kolkata - 700 026, India planning to publish two bi yearly issues on 1st June
Customer Help Line and 1st December of each year with the issue of 1st
For non receipts/any other query please contact June, 2018. Individual subscribers will be informed
E-mail :
Phone : 033-4007 8378 / 2218 4184 separately in due course.
Mechanical Details
Oversall size : 27.5 x 21.5 cms. Life Insurance Industry has vast market in the country
Print area : 24.5 x 18.5 cms
Rate of Subscription with its more than 125 million population apart from
Amount You By Regd. Surprise
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public to get themselves insured for a minimum
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LIT - 5 5 Years 2,700 2,100 3,600 Yes Rs.2 lacs.
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LIT - 10 copies 1 Year 5,400 4,320 Free Yes Life Insurance industry has been matured enough
LIT - 25 copies 1 Year 13,500 10,125 Free Yes
Single Copy `` `` ` 45/- since its nationalization in 1957 and further allowing
All the payment must be made by DD favouring LIFE private players after the coming up of IRDAI. The
INSURANCE TODAY payable at Kolkata, India. market is expanding but the menace of misselling and
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The contents of this journal are copyright of LIFE Companies must take this seriously and stop
INSURANCE TODAY whose permission is necessary for
reproduction in whole or in part. The views expressed by misselling in all forms. Inspite of best efforts misselling
contributors or reviewers in this journal do not necessarily is continuing and expanding which is a serious cause
reflect the opinion of LIFE INSURANCE TODAY and the
journal can not be held responsible for them. All disputes of concern. IRDAI and Insurance companies are both
subject to Kolkata jurisdiction only.
Published by Sushil Kumar Agarwala & Printed by Satyajug responsible for it as they have not been able to take
Employees Co-operative Industrial Society Ltd. 13,Prafulla any full proof measure to stop this menace.
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