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is hesitant and tentative, and the level playing field  anything changed for nearly a decade. Almost every
         imperative does not prevent a government entity from  company was reporting losses because of controlled
         getting preferential treatment. The Indian insurance  pricing and the way claims were settled. But that may
         industry too has contributed to the current intrusive 'rule  change for the better. New companies that are coming in
         based' regulatory mechanisms. Insurance business has not  will have very little to destabilise market dynamics when
         been very successful in creating value, delivering returns  the industry is at Rs 1.25 lakh crore.  Business means
         below the cost of capital for years.                 fulfilling customer's requirements. Companies that have
                                                              the greater number of satisfied customers are more
         The non-life insurance industry has the highest combined  successful. Satisfying the customers with all the queries
         ratio across developed and emerging countries, almost for  and solving all their issues ensures a healthy growth to any
         the last 15 years. What one observes is that 'poor market  company. And a growth of unsatisfied customers is the
         conduct' leads to even more intrusive regulations - with  sure indication of the closure of a business.
         the one feeding the other in a circular movement. The
         Indian insurance market though feels redeemed with the  The 'IRDAI Protection of Policyholders' Interests
         top lines and the gross premium increases, the growing  Regulations 2017 ensure that "Every insurer shall display
         number of policies across life/non-life sectors, and the  the service parameters and turnaround times as approved
         investment led rather than underwriting-led profits.  by the board on its website and keep the same updated
                                                              as and when the service parameters are revised by the
         Digitisation of the databases of insurance companies,  board." With the prevalence of employer-paid health
         linking of insurance policies with personal identifiers such  insurance, IRDAI now insists that the policy document
         as Aadhaar, vehicle registration numbers etc. contribute  mention upfront co-payer limits if the policy is co paid by
         to the growth. Technology is another tool that companies  the employees. Insurers are also now required to update
         are betting on to lift their fortunes. Today motor, health  on their website the terms and conditions of every
         and travel insurance policies are sold online. Policies are  insurance product that is withdrawn or modified. And
         sold online or through agents, manufacturers and banks.  update the list at frequent intervals.
         But online sales are merely 3% compared to 30% in the
         US and UK. Disruption will come in the industry with  The Indian general insurance industry, which generates an
         companies focusing on pure online distribution.      annual premium of Rs 1.27 lakh crore, is still dominated
                                                                                     by the public sector companies,
                                                                                     but the likes of ICICI Lombard,
                                                                                     Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
                                                                                     and HDFC Ergo have made
                                                                                     strides with advancing market
                                                                                     share. It is ranked 18th among
                                                                                     88 nations. Stars are aligning
                                                                                     for the business to get more
                                                                                     profitable now than in the past
                                                                                     - be it technology or the
                                                                                     changes    in  regulations,
                                                                                     including the provisions of the
                                                                                     Motor Vehicles Act, and the
                                                                                     improving data availability with
         Protection of policyholder's interest:               the information bureau helping to eliminate frauds.  It all
                                                              changed in 2007 when the insurance regulator brought in
         In the 17 years since the private sector general insurance
                                                              the detariffication policy, except for third party motor
         companies were permitted to write policies, hardly   insurance where the regulator retains price control.

                                    “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

         Life Insurance Today                         January 2018                                             7

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