Page 6 - Life Insurance Today January 2018
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industry is optimistic that it can sustain its high growth  difference between the public and private sector
         momentum for the rest of this financial year ending March  companies.
         2018 (FY2018), after posting a 21.95% growth in gross
         direct premium underwritten in the April-June quarter. The  Privately held general insurers chalked up gross premium
         nonlife sector reported gross direct premium of INR333  income of INR 150 billion in the April-June quarter, an
         billion (US$5.2 billion) in the first three months of FY2018  increase of 28% over the corresponding period last year.
         compared with INR273 billion for the corresponding   Standalone private health insurers' gross direct premium
         quarter last year.                                   income underwritten stood at INR 14.5 billion in the April-
                                                              June period, which was a growth of 44% per cent from INR
         The industry believes that a 20% growth can be       10.1 billion in the year ago quarter. In all, privately held
         sustainable even in the coming years. The central    insurers had a market share of 49.4% in 1QFY2018, higher
         government's focus on crop insurance and the growing  than the 45.1% seen for the corresponding quarter last
         flow of household savings into financial assets would also  year.
         contribute to growth. The
         data show that state-owned
         general insurers, including
         governmen t - owne d
         specialised insurers, reported
         gross premiums of INR168.6
         billion for 1QFY 2018, an
         increase of 16% over the
         corresponding quarter last
         year. This represented a
         market share of 50.6%, down
         from 54.9% previously.

         Industry participants are
         hopeful that even this year the industry would register  Ease of doing business:
         growth of 18-20%. Though growth has been in the range
                                                              Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 provides for
         of 15-20% in the first six months of the current fiscal and
         growth has been coming mainly from motor and health  enhancement of the Foreign Investment Cap in an Indian
                                                              Insurance Company from 26% to an Explicitly Composite
         insurance, when there will be renewal for crop insurance
                                                              Limit of 49% with the safeguard of Indian Ownership and
         in next few months, the industry will see higher growth.
                                                              Control. Insurance penetration of India i.e. Premium
         The general insurance sector has received around Rs
                                                              collected by Indian insurers is 3.44% of GDP in FY 2015-
         22,000 crore from crop insurance and this financial year
                                                              16. Per capita premium underwritten i.e. insurance density
         industry players are hopeful that the number will be
                                                              in India during FY 2015-16 is US$ 54.7. The reasons that
         around Rs 32,000-35,000 crore from crop insurance.
                                                              the insurance sector in India is under-penetrated and
         In the years 1017-18, general insurance industry will see  inadequately penetrated are: lack of awareness, low level
         crop insurance and health insurance emerging as among  of financial inclusion, and lack of trust in the system.
         the most important categories. Also, fire and motor
         insurance will continue to remain focus for general  In addition, the support system is over-regulated and cost
         insurance industry. Public Sector companies have a bigger  of compliance is high. Regulations are about input policing
         reliability factor because of them being under the control  rather than being outcome based. The essential and pre-
         of the government. Even though the basic product remains  requisite "Ease of Doing Business" framework has not been
         the same, it is very difficult to actually find a drastic  installed with vigour. The approach to public accountability

                          “I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.”

          6                                           January 2018                            Life Insurance Today

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