Page 13 - Banking Finance December 2024
P. 13


          35 billion over the next five years to set  (such as a bank) to convert illiquid as-  charging infrastructure segment is
          up large-scale solar, wind and hybrid  sets into liquid ones, providing an alter-  growing at a rate of 25-30 per cent
          plants across different parts of the  native source of funding.      currently in India.
          country," Adani said at a CEO panel  Investors in these instruments receive  To double this growth, investments
          discussion on 'Role of young leaders for  returns based on the performance of  worth $20-30 billion would be required,
          Viksit Bharat@2047' at an SBI-hosted  the underlying debt pool, and the risk  he said at the 'IESA India EV Fast Charg-
          economic conclave here.
                                            is spread across multiple assets, offer-  ing Summit' in the national capital.
          The company is setting up a 30,000-  ing potentially attractive returns. The  On PM E-Drive Scheme, Dash said "We
          megawatt single-location renewable  current framework is based on Sebi's  (industry)  all  are  waiting  for  the
          energy plant in Khavda in Gujarat.  2008 regulations, with updates from  scheme to be floated. A few of the
                                            the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) 2021  things the government is considering
          Securitised  debt  instru-        directions on securitising standard as-  before outing the full scheme is they
                                            sets.  The  Securities and Exchange
          ments:  Sebi  for  new            Board of India (Sebi) is now consider-  are trying to (figure out) state-wise
                                                                               demand allocation, considering the
          norms                             ing updates to the regulatory frame-  density of the vehicles in different lo-
                                            work for securitized debt instruments
          Market regulator Securities and Ex-                                  calities in states and cities."
          change Board of India (Sebi) has pro-  and sought public comments till No-
          posed new regulations that include a  vember 16 on the proposals.    Soon India will have first
          minimum investment threshold of Rs 1
          crore  for  participants  engaged  in Need  $30  billion  in  EV     coal exchange: Minister
          securitisation activities. This initiative,  charging growth         Union minister G Kishan Reddy said
          targeting both RBI-regulated origina-                                that India's first coal exchange would
          tors and unregulated entities, seeks to  India needs investment worth $20-30  be set up soon. A coal exchange is likely
          streamline investment processes and  billion in the EV charging infrastructure  to facilitate more sellers and buyers to
          protect investor interests.       to double the pace of growth of the  trade coal as a commodity.
                                            segment, industry body IESA said.
          SDIs are financial products created by                               Talking to reporters on the sidelines of
          pooling together various types of debt  It is a very niche segment which has  an event here, Reddy said that coal
          -- such as loans, mortgages, or receiv-  just started picking up in the country,  exchange is likely to come up soon. The
          ables -- and then selling them as secu-  India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA)  plan for setting up the coal exchange
          rities to investors. This process, known  President Debi Prasad Dash said.  was discussed in a recent meeting, he
          as securitisation, allows the originator  Sharing his estimates, Dash said the EV  said further. The establishment of a
                                                                               coal trading exchange in the country
                                                                               would  open  up  the  coal  market
           GST returns set to become time-barred after 3 years                 through an online trading platform.
           from 2025
                                                                               Need to be very careful of
           The Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) has released an advisory noti-
           fying taxpayers that the GST portal will soon introduce a restriction on fil-  crypto currency says DFS
           ing certain GST returns more than three years past their due date.  secy
           GSTN also announced that these changes, which limit GST return submis-  Echoing the Reserve Bank of India's
           sions after a three-year period, will be implemented on the GST portal be-  concerns, M Nagaraju, Secretary of
           ginning early 2025. This change aims to curb evasion and promote compli-  the Department of Financial Services,
           ance in a timely manner and for better regulation and fact checking.  expressed scepticism about crypto cur-
           "To avoid pitfalls and lapses, one must regularly review one's GST returns  rencies and stressed the need for cau-
           and verify GSTIN details to ensure accuracy. In case of any inaccuracy, one  tion regarding such asset classes.
           can amend such returns before the deadline," said Jasmine Damkewala,  Speaking at the State Bank of India
           Senior Partner at Circle of Counsels and Advocate.                  (SBI) Economic Conclave, Nagaraju

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