Page 14 - Banking Finance December 2024
P. 14


                                                                               GSTAT will be functional
           Govt revises norms linked to dividend payment for
                                                                               by FY25-end: Revenue sec-
           The Centre unveiled revised guidelines for state-run firms linked to dividend  retary
           payment, buyback of shares, issue of bonus shares and splitting of shares  Revenue Secretary Sanjay Malhotra
           and the measures are aimed at creating value in PSUs to maximise returns  said the Goods and Services Tax Appel-
           for govt and other shareholders.                                    late Tribunal (GSTAT) is in the final
                                                                               stages of operationalisation and should
           The Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) re-
                                                                               start functioning by the end of this fi-
           leased the revised guidelines, amending its earlier 2016 rules, to better
           reflect market realities.                                           nancial year. GSTAT is a body set up for
                                                                               resolving GST-related disputes.
           The objectives of the revised guidelines include enhancing value of the CPSE
           and total returns for the shareholders, improving performance and efficiency  "On the GST side, there have been
           of these entities by providing them more operational and financial flexibil-  questions about the operationalisation
           ity. These are also aimed at enabling CPSEs to play an effective role in eco-  of the GST Appellate Tribunal. I would
                                                                               like to assure you that we are now at
           nomic growth of the country and ensure more investors participate in the
                                                                               the final stages of operationalising the
           value creation by CPSEs.
                                                                               GSTAT. Hopefully, it should start func-
           "These guidelines have been done keeping in mind the realities of the mar-  tioning and hearing cases by the end
           ket and are forward looking. They will also help PSUs to push capex and  of this financial year," Malhotra said
           provide them flexibility," said Tuhin Kanta Pandey, secretary DIPAM.
                                                                               during the State Bank of India's (SBI's)
           Under the revised guidelines every CPSE would pay a minimum annual divi-  annual business and economic con-
           dend of 30% of profit after tax (PAT) or 4% of the networth, whichever is  clave.
           higher subject to the limit, if any, under any extant legal provision. Earlier
                                                                               In May 2023, Union Finance Minister
           the limit was 5% of net worth. Financial sector CPSES like NBFCs may pay a
                                                                               Nirmala Sitharaman appointed Justice
           minimum annual dividend of 30% of PAT subject to the limit.
                                                                               (Retd) Sanjaya Kumar Mishra as the
                                                                               President of the GST Appellate Tribu-
         said, "I am very sceptical of crypto  The move will be applicable with im-  nal (GSTAT).
         currency. RBI is also very careful on  mediate effect, the Securities and Ex-
         that. We need to be very careful."  change Board of India (Sebi) said in a ICAI's audit quality matu-
         Last month, speaking at a conference  circular.                       rity model 2.0 launched
         in the United States, RBI Governor  Before this, any company that is look-  The CA Institute, the world's largest
         Shaktikanta Das had said that crypto  ing to launch a public issue of equity  accounting and audit body, approved
         currencies pose huge risks to financial  shares has to deposit with the stock  the second version of Audit Quality
         stability and monetary stability. He  exchanges an amount equal to 1 per  Maturity Model (AQMM) that would
         asserted that such assets may create  cent of the issue size. The deposit was  be mandatory for audit firms of certain
         a situation where the central bank  returned to the company after the  public interest entities.
         could lose control of the money supply  public issue.
         in the economy.                    "In order to facilitate ease of doing  AQMM 2.0, developed by ICAI's centre
                                            business to issuer company, the re-  for audit quality, will be applicable on
                                                                               firms auditing a listed entity; or banks
         SEBI  scraps  1%  security         quirement to deposit 1 per cent of the  other than co-operative banks (except
                                            issue size available for subscription to
         deposit for public issues          the public with the designated stock  multistate co-operative banks); or in-
         Markets regulator Sebi abolished the  exchange by the issuer company un-  surance companies.
         requirement of a mandatory security  der... Sebi (Issue of Capital and Disclo-  AQMM v 1.0 , introduced in 2021, was
         deposit with the exchanges before a  sure Requirements) Regulations, 2018  made mandatory from April 1, 2023 to
         public issue in a bid to facilitate ease  (ICDR Regulations) has been dispensed  the firms auditing a listed entity; or
         of doing business for issuer companies.  with," Sebi said.            banks other than co-operative banks

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