Page 144 - A Banker Down the Rabbit Hole
P. 144

Graduation qualification in any stream whereas I was a Postgraduate and
           considered suitable and selected as PO by the bank. Later that was proved
           right and I got promoted last time. Even this time, I had cleared a written
           test for the overseas posting and have been invited for this interview."
           This was the main question asked by the Government Director. He also
           asked me what was the chemical formulae of Glucose that I could not
           figure out correctly and expressed my inability to remember correctly at
           that time, more than a decade after doing MSc.

           The Director nominated by RBI on bank's Board of Directors, was more
           thorough with questions on banking. He asked so many questions on
           issues ranging from deregulation, globalization, the then prevailing
           economic scenario, options with the Central Government to handle the
           Foreign Exchange crisis then faced by the country etc. It is pertinent to
           mention here that the then Government had to pledge and physically
           transport gold to UK for raising Foreign Exchange to continue imports and
           also for overall economic growth.

           The last question was from the Chairman again. He said that he was very
           upset with the attitude of officers who refused to be transferred from
           their home town to any other city and gave several excuses like wife
           working, children education at crucial stage and parents being old and
           unwell, etc. etc. The same officers apply for overseas posting and if
           selected, join there readily. Then he asked why I should be posted

           I thought I should be straight forward to dispel their myths. I responded,
           "Mine is a different case altogether. I have never refused a transfer that
           has happened five times in 13 years already. I have already worked in
           Metropolitan, Urban, Semi Urban and even Rural Branch as well as an
           Administrative office (Zonal Office). I have genuine desire to have
           exposure of working at our overseas centre also." I tried to be very honest
           with them and further added, "I would not hide from you, sir, that there

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