Page 40 - Banking Finance September 2022
P. 40


             signal and continues to spend, the wearable would send
             a shockwave to their wrists, which served as a potent
             reminder that their spending and the daily limit are not
             very well.

            Enhanced Banking Experience
             Internet  of  Things (IoT)  gives  timely  insights  and
             individualized  experience  to  customers.  Device
             connectivity  enables  a  customer  to  schedule  an
             appointment  and be  able  to  check  it  inside their
             smartphone. The customers will know when is their turn
             to stand at the counter, instead of waiting in a line.
             Apart from this, the bank also keeps the customer's visits
             in their database, the services they use whenever they
             visit the bank, and their queries.

            Efficient Branch Banking                             that the number of connected wearable devices will get
             The modern branch system in banks is under threat from  to  over 2.5 billion by 2024.  Thus, more people will
             increasing operational costs. Customer's traditional  undoubtedly  be  making  use  of  these  devices  for
             banking habits are also being challenged by COVID-19.  everyday activities in the coming years.
             People were advised to use contactless payment and
             avoid handling banknotes as much as possible since the Disadvantages of Internet of Things in
             COVID-19 virus can survive for days on notes, speeding
             up the  disease's  spread.  While banks are  keen  to
             maintain the traditional banking approach and ensure    Potential Hacking
             that it adds value, financial institutions  need to use  As the number of connected devices increases and more
             technology to meet demands.Banks use the Internet of  information  is  shared  between  the  devices,  the
             Things (IoT) technology,for example biometric sensors  potential of a hacker to steal confidential information
             can be used to gather user data while entering the bank  also increases.
             and forwarding the information to the primary system.
             Utilizing  smart  branches  allows  bank  managers  to    Management of large number of IoT devices
             reduce both the number of staff and the maintenance  Enterprises may eventually have to deal with massive
             costs while also reducing the waiting time for the client.  numbers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, collecting
             The  managers  create  a  connected  system  of     andmanaging the data from all those devices will be
             communication between different branches at different  challenging.
             locations. Using the Internet of Things (IoT) system,
             virtual branches can be created, where there are no
                                                                Mass corruption of Internet of Things (IoT)
             real employees, a user often gets guided by a system
             or chatbots based on technology. There are random
                                                                 If there is a bug in the system, it is likely that every
             questions, so the chatbots can use video conference tools
                                                                 connected device will become corrupted.
             to contact a real human consultant.
            Making Wireless Settlements                         Lack  of  International  Standard  of
             Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  in  monetary  solutions,  is  compatibility
             additionally changing exactly how individuals  make  Since there is no international standard of compatibility
             payments. Wearable devices are replacing smartphones  of Internet of Things (IoT), it is difficult for devices from
             and  traditional  credit  cards,  in  making  wireless  different  manufactures to  communicate  with each
             payments as well as cash withdrawals. Statistics predicts  other.

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