Page 41 - Banking Finance September 2022
P. 41


          Future Banking using Internet of Things                bank can then issue the loan immediately, and monitor
                                                                 the collateral status in real-time without the need to
                                                                 take physical custody of the asset.
            Account Management on Things
             As more devices acquire digital interfaces, the digital    Risk Mitigation in Trade Finance
             banking will acquire new meaning and customers will  Internet of Things (IoT) will accelerate the tracking of
             be able to access their bank accounts from practically  the asset in trade finance, for instance, monitoring
             any "thing" that has a digital interface.Biometrics, voice  temperature of the container for shipments involving
             or touchcan  simplify account access  in  these  new  temperature sensitive goods such as pharmaceuticals
             "anywhere" digital channels. This will eliminate barriers  and medicinal molecules. Alerts could be triggered if
             associated with in-person, paper-based transactions and  there is a chance of spoilage during  the  shipment
             enable clients  to conduct business even when they  process.  These implementations can  result  in  risk
             cannot be physically present.                       mitigation and more informed decision making at banks
                                                                 for scenarios involving trade finance.
            Leasing Finance Automation
             Real-time monitoring of wear and tear of assets could    Wallet of Things
             provide important data points for pricing  of leased  Each and every home appliance or consumer equipment
             assets.  Terms  of  leasing  could  be  simplified  and  could eventually host an embedded, pre-funded wallet
             automated as the bank wields greater control over the  that is capable of managing its running expenses on its
             leased  asset.  For  instance,  in  case  of  contract  own. For example, an autonomous car could potentially
             termination or default, the leased asset could be locked  pay for parking,  gas,  rental  or even  maintenance
             or disabled remotely by the bank.                   service using its embedded wallet.

            Smart Collaterals                                   Smooth Customer On boarding and KYC
             Internet of Things (IoT) technology can enable banks to  People use their Facebook / Gmail id to login to different
             have better control over a customer's mortgaged assets,  Internet sites, this might be extended in the future to
             such as machinery, and also monitor their health. In such  have a block chain-based unique digital signature which
             a scenario, a retail or SME customer could possibly raise  is used for most transactions. This universal block chain-
             short-term small finance by offering manufacturing  based digital identity may also help with KYC processes
             machinery as collateral. The request for financing as  in the future. Additionally, knowing about the financial
             well as the transfer of ownership could be automatic  inclinations  of  the  customer  through  the  digital
             and completely digital. Enabled by digital identity for  signature, banks can offer relevant products at the time
             people as well as things, the transfer of ownership of  of on boarding  - for e.g. credit card designed with
             an asset can be achieved in a matter of seconds. The  rewards from a particular petrol station or particular
                                                                 apparel brand that the customer uses frequently.

                                                                Customized Auto Insurance
                                                                 Here digitization will throw up newer metrics that can
                                                                 be used to provide tailor-made insurance to customers
                                                                 based on driving habits, engine health and general wear
                                                                 and tear of the vehicle. Insurance Companies will offer
                                                                 devices that plug into the on-board diagnostic port of
                                                                 cars and send driving behaviour data back to them.
                                                                 Based  on  driver  habits,  the  owner  is  eligible  for
                                                                 discounts. Apart from this, by overlaying GPS data on
                                                                 the actual speed of the vehicle in speed sensitive zones
                                                                 e.g. schools or residential areas, insurance companies

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