Page 36 - Banking Finance September 2022
P. 36


          facilities  are provided by select e-retailers and fintech
          organizations. Interest - free credit period can go up to 48
          months. You have to pay the fixed EMI on the scheduled
          date. Unlike credit card you cannot earn cash back, reward
          points, airmiles on purchases. The interest rate is up to 24%
          and is not fixed like credit card , it can vary depending on
          various factors.

          Transparent and low-cost pricing model: BNPL usually follows
          a transparent and low-cost pricing model because a lot of
          the offers are subsidised by brands so that the customer
          gets the best value of the offering. Lizzie Chapman, CEO
          and Co-founder, Zest Money, says, "Unlike credit cards that
          are meant to deceive the customer with hidden charges and
          exorbitant interest rates, BNPL is transparent. The customer
          knows exactly how much he/she will be paying."
                                                              their  topmost  priority  when  it  comes  to  get  quick
          Completely digital and instant sign up process: Anyone sitting  profitability.
          in any part of the country can sign up and avail of the
                                                              For consumers safety should be the first criteria to look
          service. Credit Cards on the other hand require weeks and
                                                              forward.While downloading apps, make sure that the app
          a lot of paperwork. With digital KYC, one can get instantly
                                                              is from a lender who is a licensed lender. If a company is
          approved and start transacting.
                                                              not holding RBI license, it should clearly state under whose
          More accessible: When compared, experts say, credit cards  license it is offering the product. Before downloading, check
                                                              who is publishing the app, take a look at the company's
          are for high CIBIL customers, people in metros and salaried
                                                              website and make sure it is an established and registered
          folks. Only  65 million people  in India use credit cards.
                                                              company in India.
          Chapman of ZestMoney adds, "BNPL by nature is designed
          for a much bigger market, including new to credit customers
                                                              In the light of many fake lending apps are being busted by
          or people with insufficient credit history. Most BNPL players
                                                              law enforcement agencies, regarding the licence  check if
          use an alternative data and proprietary model to approve
          these customers. Also, Indians are leapfrogging credit cards  it clearly mentions the same on its website, along with the
                                                              RBI  guidelines  that  it follows,  including  the grievance
          to BNPL."
                                                              redressal  mechanism  and  the  interest  rate  policy.
          Who are all eligible?                               Moreover, never download apps which ask for contacts as
                                                              they may be misused for coercion.
          1. You must be a resident of India.
          2. You must reside in a major tier 1 or tier 2 city.  The biggest worry is misleading advertisements. Most BNPL
          3. You must be aged above 18 years. The maximum age  options claim no fees or zero interest, but you need to
             of eligibility in some cases can be up to 55 years.  understand  what  is  the  real cost  of  the  loan.  Even if
                                                              companies say zero per cent, they are supposed to declare
          4. You must  be a  salaried  individual/professional or
                                                              their IRR - Internal Rate of Return, so the consumers, for
                                                              their own protection, need to make sure that the company
          5. You  must  have  a  bank  account  and  all  the  KYC
                                                              or the app is disclosing all of these.
             documents in place.
          What the consumers should watch out
                                                              There are companies that use BNPL as payment product
          for?                                                where credit reporting does not happen. This kind of an
          Most of the Indian consumers do not give safety and security  approach creates a gap when evaluating a consumer for

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