Page 34 - Banking Finance September 2022
P. 34


          'BUY NOW, PAY LATER'

          (BNPL): THE RETURN

          OF LAYAWAY OR A


          CREDIT CARDS


                  ong back shopping at almost any U.S. retailer  and, like the purchase plans that have come before, it could
                  included the option to choose an item you were  cost you.
                  after and have it stashed away in some back room
         L while you made incremental payments until the      Buy-now-pay-later isn't a fresh idea, but a growing number
                  purchase price was covered and you could take  of tech platforms are finding success in partnering with
          it home.                                            retailers to offer portals for issuing credit at time of purchase
                                                              that allows the consumer to check out, virtually or in-person,
          Those layaway plans mostly disappeared decades ago as  with their goodies after agreeing to an instalment plan.
          credit cards arose as the go-to option for consumers to cover  Some  charge  interest, some  don't, and rescheduling  a
          the cost of goods they couldn't quite afford in the moment.  payment or paying late can also come with charges.
          In-store financing also became a thing for many stores,
          particularly those offering high-ticket items like furniture and  India is one of the world's largest markets when it comes to
          appliances.                                         fintech Innovation and adoption.

          Now, a tech-driven option that occupies a sort of middle  Banking as we know of it has been always dynamic and prone
          ground between layaway and in-store financing is on the rise  to  disruption.  The advent  of  technology  and  ease  of
                                                              regulation have been action as catalyst for steering the
                                                              Indian banking into new dimension. There are lot of new
                        About the author                      technology and products are being introduced that  has
                                                              potential to challenge tradition banking and make the age
           Alok Jaiswal                                       old  bankers  run  for  their money. Fintechs,block  chain
           Sr. Manager
                                                              technology, data analytics are few of the new concepts that
           Union bank of India
                                                              are in the main stream now. One of the new concepts that

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