Page 30 - Banking Finance September 2022
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          history of financial statements and so on, getting loans from  prospective borrower. This will allow lenders to assess the
          banks is a routine affair. But for smaller entrepreneurs, lack  borrower's credit risk keeping in view the viability of cash
          of transparency and credit history, getting loans from the  flows, ask the  relevant questions (e.g., are there other
          formal  system is  not  an easy task. Banks often end up  underlying issues that are affecting ability to pay the loan
          charging such customers a much higher rate of interest on  in spite of healthy cash flows from the micro enterprise?),
          loans than they would charge others, simply for the higher  and price the loan terms without compromising on due
          risk  they carry.  All  this boils  down  to  opaqueness of  diligence.
          information. If banks could clearly access data that showed
          what assets  a new borrower has, what  their past track  Based  on  these, nearly-automated  loan  sanction and
          record of payment has been and how indebted they already  disbursement mechanisms can be devised, as are also being
          are, pushing credit to micro and small enterprises would not  attempted by fin-tech companies. In fact, credit products
          be as hard. This is where a Public Credit Registry can play a  could get transformed with the possibility of sanctioning
          pivotal role.                                       small  ticket  loans with short maturity and zero or low
                                                              collateral requirement. Borrowers and entrepreneurs can
          To build credit models for individuals and small credits, the  build their reputation and credit quality by repaying well
          financier and its modelers are ideally required to know not  such initial information-building loans. Gradually, they can
          just outstanding credit for the micro borrowers, but possibly  borrow more and at longer maturities, potentially making
          also their entire repayment history and their  cash flow  capital investments to enhance productivity. Once their size
          fluctuations, so as to tailor the terms of credit suitably. In  increases and they register with the GSTN, tax invoices can
          the absence of such information, many borrowers may  act as the cash-flow verification with PCR. Robust credit
          simply  get 'rationed' out of the market  due to severe  history built over a period can work as sturdy collateral,
          information asymmetry faced by financiers.          building the trust of the lenders. Thus it can rapidly expand
                                                              access to credit for those micro and small enterprises. Thus
          With  PCR  tracking  every  credit  transaction  from  its
                                                              Public Credit Registry can help in Micro Credit and this is
          origination  to closure (initial terms, repayment, default,
                                                              where a Public Credit Registry can be a game changer.
          restructuring, etc.), and  being  linked to various  digital
          systems in place (as shown in the chart above), it would be
          possible to identify and get to know well businesses, even
          micro enterprises and micro entrepreneurs. In other words,
          the PCR could supply the missing link, which is the complete
          '360-degree  view'  information  of  the  borrower  or

                             CAG unearths Rs. 183-crore scam in Haryana

           The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has exposed a scam of the Haryana government in which the top
           brass of Faridabad Municipal Corporation cleared Rs. 183 crore worth of payments in multiple instalments of under
           Rs. 5 lakh to a single contractor for mostly cooked up city development works for five years.

           The Faridabad municipality is understood to have adopted this innovative way of syphoning off public money to avoid
           seeking clearance from higher officials if the payment exceeded Rs. 5 lakh.

           The initial finding of the CAG's Accountant General office of Haryana, revealed that contractor Satbir Singh, a resi-
           dent of Parvatiaya Colony of Faridabad, was allegedly arbitrarily awarded contracts for five years, beginning in 2015,
           ignoring e-tendering government rules and urban local bodies department guidelines. He subsequently received pay-
           ments from Faridabad Municipal Corporation through 588 vouchers, running into Rs. 183.83 crore, calculated the
           CAG auditors. The findings will be included in the CAG's compliance audit report on urban local bodies department of
           Haryana for the year March 31, 2022, and made public subsequently.

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