Page 32 - Banking Finance September 2022
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          As of December  3, 2012, 52 Banks are acting as SCSBs.  5- The SCSB shall give a counterfoil as acknowledgment
          Investors may submit their ASBA Applications to these SCSBs  at the time of submission of ASBA and also the order
          in order to apply for Public Issues. Union Bank of India is also  number at the time of uploading the details.
          one of the SCBSs. Investors can visit SEBI website with the
                                                              6- Investor can submit ASBA application to any other
                                                                 designated branch all over India, other than home
 to see
                                                                 branch as well.
          that different Self Certified Syndicate Banks (SCSBs) along
                                                              7- ASBA facility is compulsory for all issues by Issuer
          with the branches offering the services.
                                                              8- Any SCSB can also bring public issue and also act as
          Benefits of ASBA                                       SCSB.
          1. The investor need not pay the application money by  9- Bank can become SCSB by giving certificate that it can
             cheque rather block his /  her bank  account  to the  discharge the duties and responsibilities of it.
             extent of the application money, thus continue to earn  10- SCSB has to get connected with NSE & BSE for secured
             interest on application money.
                                                                 transfer of data from Bank to Stock exchange.
          2. The investor does not have to bother about refunds, as
                                                              11- SCSB is not required to validate /verify details given in
             in ASBA only an amount proportionate to the securities
             allotted is taken from the bank account when his / her
                                                              12- SCSB  is  wholly  responsible  for  any  omission  or
             application is selected for allotment after the basis of
                                                                 commission done during process done through its code.
             allotment is finalised.
                                                              13- SCSB  gets  file  format for  uploading  the  bids from
          3. Customer can revise / withdraw the bid before the end
             of the Issue in the prescribed format with the Bank
                                                              14- The  SCSB  shall  send  the  following  aggregate
          Basic  things  to  be  taken  care  while              information to the Registrar of the Issue after closure
                                                                 of the bidding period:(i)Total number of ASBAs uploaded
          applying for ASBA-                                     by the SCSB(ii)Total number of shares and total amount
          1-  Only one application can be applied by investor as it is  blocked against the uploaded ASBAs
             linked with PAN card and it is unique to each individual
                                                              15- Stock Exchange electronic bidding system will provide
          2-  ASBA application can be filled up physical or also through  for generation of order number of uploading of bids of
             online mode (i.e Internet banking or UPI)           IPO/FPO, as such customer can get confirmation for it.
          3-  Retail investor can also withdraw the application upto  16- Electronic record of ASBA uploaded account blocked/
             the closure of issue. While nonretail investors can not  unblocked, physical form for period of 6 months with
             do so.                                              SCSB for any complaints if any and thereafter the same
                                                                 may be sent to the issuer.
          4-  After withdrawal of bid  by  investor the amount is
             instantly unblocked by banks.                    17- Once a bank becomes SCSB there is no discretion for it
                                                                 to select the issues.
                                                              18- Registrar  will  reconcile  the  data  of  ASBA  on  the
                                                                 aggregate data received from SCSBs after closure of the
                                                                 issue regarding total number of bids uploaded.
                                                              19- ASBA facility should not be made available against any
                                                                 overdraft facility

                                                              Insights on the forthcoming LIC IPO
                                                              India’s most prominent insurance company is setting up to
                                                              make its Dalal Street entry before the end of this fiscal year.
                                                                This IPO is a part of the Indian Government’s plans to
                                                                 raise Rs. 65,416 crores through disinvestment, which
                                                                 they have targeted to achieve in this financial year.

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