Page 51 - Banking Finance September 2022
P. 51


          CPI for Agricultural Labourers (CPI-AL)-and Rural   policy.  The  increase in  bank  rate increases  the  cost  of
                                                              borrowing which reduces commercial banks borrowing from
          Labourers (CPI-RL)
                                                              the central bank. Consequently, the flow of money from the
          These indices were prepared taking 1986-87 year as the base
                                                              commercial banks to the public gets reduced. Therefore,
          year. The labour bureau has now started work taking 2018-
                                                              inflation is controlled to the extent it is caused by the bank
          19 as the new base year.   It may also include  the new
          consumption patterns of the workers.  These indices may
          be used to fix the national minimum wage.
                                                              Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR): To control inflation, the central
                                                              bank raises the CRR which reduces the lending capacity of
          7. Growth-inflation trade-off                       the commercial banks. Consequently, flow of money from
          Inflation control calls for curbing excess aggregate demand,  commercial banks to public decreases. In the process, it halts
          and need  not necessarily rein in  the real  growth  rate.  the rise in prices to the extent it is caused by banks credits
          Tightening of monetary policy will be generally aimed at  to the public.
          containing  speculation  and  enhancing  the  productive
                                                              Open Market Operations: Open market operations refer to
          capacity of the economy and thus the potential growth rate.
          Also, domestic inflation hurts the price competitiveness of  sale and purchase of government securities and bonds by
          Indian exports, particularly in the presence of the upward  the central bank. To control inflation, central bank sells the
          pressure exerted by buoyant capital inflows on the nominal  government securities to the public through the banks. This
          exchange  rate.  The  RBI  is buying  foreign exchange to  results in transfer of a part of bank deposits to central bank
                                                              account  and  reduces  credit  creation  capacity  of  the
          prevent the rupee from rising, and it had no option but to
          sterilise the liquidity so introduced into the system through  commercial banks.
          an offsetting rise in the reserve rations.  But always, growth
                                                              II) Fiscal Measures
          inflation trade-off is a challenge for the policy makers.
                                                              Fiscal  measures  to  control  inflation include  taxation,
          8. Measures to control inflation:                   government  expenditure  and  public  borrowings.  The
                                                              government can also take some protectionist measures
          There are broadly two ways of controlling inflation in an
                                                              (such as banning the export of essential items such as pulses,
                                                              cereals  and oils to support the  domestic consumption,
          1). Monetary measures and
                                                              encourage imports by lowering duties on import items etc.).
          2). Fiscal measures
          I) Monetary Measures                                9. The bottom line
           The most important and commonly used method to control  Inflation exists when prices rise but purchasing power falls
          inflation is  monetary policy of the  Central Bank.  Most  over a certain period. There  are two main causes  that
          central banks use high interest rates as the traditional way  determine the  type: cost-pull and demand-pull. Some
          to fight or prevent inflation.                      consider built-in inflation as a third cause.Wholesale Price
                                                              Index (WPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI) are indices used
                                                              to measure inflation rates. Using monetary policies, the
          Monetary  measures used  to  control inflation
                                                              Reserve Bank of India tries to keep the annual core inflation
                                                              rate at 4% within the tolerable limit of 6% and a lower limit
          (i)  Bank rate policy
                                                              of 2%.
          (ii) Cash reserve ratio and
                                                              The most powerful way to protect ourselves from inflation
          (iii) Open market operations.
                                                              is to increase the earning ability and income.  One more way
          Bank rate policy is used as the main instrument of monetary  of seeking protection is to invest in securities and other assets
          control during the period of inflation. When the central bank  that give returns which are at least equivalent to the rate
          raises the bank rate, it is said to have adopted a dear money  of inflation.

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