Page 46 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 46

Failure  aspects  observed:  Provision  of  Minimum  killed and 100 were injured in the fire with 70-80 with severe
          requirements fire-fighting appurtenances, design of building  burns. The venue of the function was just a four-wall
          with escape routes, site set back and approach road to the  structure with only one exit through a small gate. The fire
          building being blocked.                             occurred  due to a  short circuit in the  electric  supply
                                                              connection line and having spread very quickly through the
          Problems  created  by:  Structural  alteration  required  highly combustible structural materials.
          according to the commercial requirements for this building's
          occupants, lack of provision of escape routes in side of the  J. Surat Fire Incident
          building.  The  minimum  requirements  of  fire-fighting  On 24 May 2019, a fire occurred at a coaching center
          appurtenances were not available in the building at the  (commercial complex) in Sarthana area of Surat in the
          appropriate locations.                              Gujarat state of India Twenty-two students died and others
                                                              were injured in an academic coaching center Owner of the
          I. Mandi Dabwali Fire Tragedy - Haryana             Institute, Builder and two officials from Gujarat Fire Safety
          It's perhaps the worst in the entire history of fire disasters  Department (Fire service Gujarat) were arrested.
          in India. A fire broke out in a pandal (temporary structure
          built of bamboo like our puja pandals) in Mandi Dabwali on  The way this fire incident started -Fire Started with Short
          December 24, 1995, and the whole burning structure  Circuit at the Ground Floor. Then Fire Spread to other floors
          collapsed over the people attending the annual D.A.V.  and went up to the Coaching Centre which was at the
          School function. 300 people, mostly school children, were  Terrace.

          List of Lapses and observations/learning from this Surat fire Incident:
           Lapses in Surat fire incident          Observations& learning
           The spread of Fire from Ground Floor   Lack of Passive Fire Protection. Passive Fire Protection will stop the spread
           to Terrace.                            of fire and smoke.
           Flammable materials are hugely used like  Interior coatings, internal walls, etc. are spreading the fire very fast.
           flushes and tires as the seat.         Fire Load Must be calculated and checked on regular intervals.
           Fire Tender was 45 minutes away and    At least 2 hours of fire-fighting capacity must be available with every
           Hydraulic ladder reached in 45 minutes  commercial and industrial building.
           Ceiling Height was just 5 feet.        National Building Code 2016 must be followed for fire safety compliance.
           16 students died due to asphyxiation   Smoke is more dangerous than fire. Smoke Extraction System, Windows
           (from smoke)                           and Maintaining Air Changes per Hour is critical
           Makeshift Dome was the build on the    Structure, Wall, Floor, and Roof shall be as per National Building Code-
           terrace where the actual tragedy happened 2016 which guides on fire rating of each.
           Short Circuit happened on Air Conditioning  Continuous running loads will have a fire hazard. Thermography and
           Circuit                                electrical audits will help the building occupants to improve every time.
           3 persons died as they jumped off the  Inadequate exit, staircase could have been the reason. Based on each
           terrace of the building.               floor occupant load, travel distance, number of exits must be provided
                                                  being calculated in a scientific manner rather than having one or two
           No Safety Equipment in the building    The requirement of Safety Equipment and Training & Awareness on how
                                                  to use might have been saved many lives.
           Heavy traffic and people taking videos at  If not able to extend support, others should not hamper the rescue team.
           the incident site
           Two floors were built without permission  Adherence to statutory norms will not only safe the occupants from their
                                                  legal battles, but it is also required for Personnel and Property Safety.
                                                  In the end, it has business/commercial benefits.
            There was no audit conducted for the  All high rise buildings and industrial complexes must conduct the third-
           building.                              party audit every two years.

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