Page 49 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 49


                                New Product Launches

          LIC introduces new whole life insurance                commencement of risk, Death Benefit equal to “Sum
                                                                 Assured on Death” along with accrued Guaranteed
          policy Jeevan Utsav                                    Additions shall be payable, provided the policy is in-
          Life Insurance Corporation of India, or LIC, has launched a  force. This Death Benefit shall not be less than 105 per
          new individual, savings, and Whole Life Insurance plan. The  cent of total premiums paid up to the date of death.
          Plan is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating Plan. This is a  “Sum Assured on Death” is ‘Basic Sum Assured’ or ‘7
          comprehensive form of life insurance providing lifetime  times of Annualized Premium, whichever is higher
          coverage. Unlike term insurance plans that cover a person  Maturity benefit is not available under this plan as
          for a specified term, whole life insurance, as the name  Regular/Flexi Income Benefits are continued for life as
          implies, provides coverage for the entire lifetime of the  peer option exercised
          insured individual. This insurance plan not only grants death  Additional liquidity is available through loan
          benefits to the beneficiaries after the policyholder’s demise
          but  also has  a  savings component where cash values  An Attractive High Sum Assured rebate is available.
          accumulate over time.                                  This product satisfies the long pending demand for a
          LIC’s Jeevan Utsav is effective from November 29, 2023.  lower, flexible Premium Paying Term.
          According to the LIC press release, consider the following  Five optional riders are available under this plan. The
          points before opting for the policy.                   policyholder can opt for either LIC’s Accidental Death
             This plan is available for age starting from 90 days to  and
             65 years. It gives guaranteed lifelong income and  Disability Benefit Rider or LIC’s Accident Benefit Rider and
             lifelong risk cover.
                                                              the remaining three riders, i.e. LIC’s New Term Assurance
             The minimum premium paying term is 5 years and the  Rider, LIC’s New Critical Illness Benefit Rider and LIC’s
             maximum premium paying term is 16 years          Premium Waiver Benefit Rider are also available by paying
             For each policy year for which premium is paid, the  additional premium subject to the eligibility conditions, per
             Guaranteed Additions @ Rs 40 per thousand Basic Sum  the release.
             Assured shall accrue at the end of each policy year  You can purchase this plan offline through licensed agents,
             during the premium paying term.                  corporate agents, brokers, and insurance marketing firms.
             On survival of the life assured after the Premium Paying  You can also buy it online by visiting the LIC website.
             Term, the Policyholder can choose from:          In conclusion, whole life insurance is a comprehensive
             Option I --  Regular Income Benefit - 10 per cent of the  insurance-cum-investment plan that assists estate planning
             Basic Sum Assured, payable at the end of each policy  and provides a financial safety net for the policyholder's
             year, starting after 3 to 6 years of the deferment period.  family. Its key highlights are consistent premiums, lifetime

             Option II- Flexi Income Benefit –  Policyholders can opt  coverage, cash value accumulation, and possible dividends.
             for a Flexi Income Benefit under which 10 per cent of  Individuals considering life insurance should weigh the cost
             the Basic Sum Assured payable can be accumulated  and benefits of whole life insurance to ascertain if it aligns
             and  withdrawn  later,  subject  to  the  terms  and  with their financial goals.
             conditions of the policy. LIC shall pay interest on such
             Deferred Flexi Income payments @ 5.5 per cent p.a., Pramerica  Life  Insurance  introduces
             compounding yearly.
                                                              Pramerica Life RockSolid Future with
          As the Policyholder is offered life cover for the whole life,  assured returns
          the Death Benefit will be payable as follows:
             On  death  of  the  Life  Assured  after  the  date  of  Pramerica Life Insurance recently launched its newest product,

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