Page 54 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 54

Insurance Caselaws

                New India Assurance Co Ltd v.                 the sanctity of trust within its clauses. Effectively, the insurer
                     M/S Mudit Roadways                       assumes a fiduciary duty to act in good faith and honor their
                                                              commitment. This responsibility becomes  particularly
         In a fire insurance claim, the Supreme Court recently held  pronounced when the insured, in their actions, have not
         that the exact cause of the fire is immaterial if the insured  been negligent. In light of the vital role that trust plays in
         is not implicated as the one responsible for initiating the fire.  insurance contracts, it is important to ensure that the
         This principle, grounded in the Canara Bank v. United India  insurer adequately fulfills the duty that has been cast on it,
         Insurance Company (2020) 3 SCC 455 case reinforces the  by virtue of such a covenant."
         insurer's duty to honor the terms of the insurance policy and  The Supreme Court bench comprising Justices Hrishikesh Roy
         fulfill its obligations to the insured.              and Justice Sanjay Karol was hearing an appeal against
         The  Court observed  "Therefore, it  was  unequivocally  NCDRC directing the Insurance Company to pay more than
         declared that the precise cause of a fire, whether attributed  6 crores for a fire insurance claim with 9% interest from the
         to  a  short  circuit  or  any  alternative  factor,  remains  claim denial date within 8 weeks, or face 12% interest
         immaterial, provided the claimant is not the instigator of  beyond the stipulated 8 weeks.
         the fire. This case underscored the fundamental principle  The  case  revolved  around  a  fire  that  broke  out  on
         that an insurance company's obligation to the insured is of  14.03.2018, at a warehouse covered by an insurance policy
         much greater import….Moreover, the fire is found to have  with the claimant having paid Rs. 44,02,562/- for coverage
         occurred within the insured warehouse and the appellant's  against fire and safeguarding custom bonded goods. Various
         plea to the contrary is not believable. Therefore, it is a case
                                                              investigations were conducted, and 7 of the reports suggest
         of wrongful repudiation by the appellants."
                                                              short-circuiting as the cause of the fire. However, the
         The judgment, steeped in the principles of good faith and  forensic investigation report determined that a short-circuit
         trust inherent in insurance contracts, underscored the  was not the cause; rather, sparks from rooftop welding work
         insurer's fiduciary duty, particularly when the insured is not  may have triggered the fire. The surveyor's report from M/
         found negligent.                                     s. Bhansali & Co. also aligned with such a conclusion.
         It  stated  very  eloquently  "In  the  realm  of  risk  and  On 03.10.2018, the insured raised a claim for a sum of Rs.
         uncertainty, individuals and organizations seek solace in the  6,57,55,155/. But, the Insurance Company rejected the
         bastion of insurance - a covenant forged on the bedrock of  claim on 15.07.2019, citing reasons such as the insured
         trust. The trust serves as the cornerstone, forming the  premises at Survey No. 9/3 were not affected by the fire and
         essence of the insurer-insured relationship. The fundamental  the alleged negligence during roof construction, which
         principle is that insurance is governed by the doctrine of  increased the risk and voided the insurance coverage under
         uberrima fides - there must be complete good faith on the  Clause 3 of the policy's terms and conditions.
         part of the insured.                                 Unsatisfied  with  the  repudiation  of  the  claim,  the
         The  heart & soul of  an insurance contract  lies in the  respondent filed a consumer complaint. The NCDRC ruled
         protection it accords to those who wish to be insured by it.  in favor of the claimant and held that the insurance policy
         This understanding encapsulates the foundational belief that  covered the complainant's warehouse and that the roofing
         insurance accords protection & indemnification, preserving  work did not significantly increase the risk, making Clause

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