Page 57 - Insurance Times December 2023
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          IRDAI Corner                                                                           u


         Particigation in Account Aqqreqator (AA)             7. The FIUs in the insurance sector are encouraged to
                                                                 make AA related applications multilingual to make it
         Framework as Financial Information User
                                                                 user friendly.
                                                              8. The FIUs in the insurance sector shall also abide by the
                                                                 code of conduct as specified in the IRDAI regulations/
         1. This has reference to the IRDAI circular ref: IRDA/IID/  guidelines/circulars applicable  to them,  including
             CIR/MISC/229/11/2022 dated 14th Nov 2022 and Mas-
                                                                 redressal of grievances of the customers.
             ter Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company- Account
             Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 dated 2nd  9. Needless to add that the FlUs in the insurance sector shall
             September, 2016 issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI)  continue to comply with all the regulatory provisions
             vide ref. DNBR.PD.009/03.10.119/2016-17 on participa-  under the Insurance Act 1938, IRDA Act 1999 and the
             tion of insurers in the Account Aggregator (AA) frame-  regulations/ guidelines/circulars framed there under.
                                                              Revision of Customer Information Sheet
         2. Attention is drawn to the para 3(1)(xii) of the RBI Mas-
             ter Direction which defines Financial Information User                                   30.10.2023
             (FIU) as under:                                  1. It is important for a policyholder to understand the
             "Financial information user means an entity registered  terms and conditions of the policy that has been pur-
             with and regulated by any financial sector regulator."  chased. Since a policy document may be fraught with

         3. In this regard, it is advised that FIUs from insurance sec-  legalese, it is imperative to have a document that ex-
             tor are expected to adopt the technical specifications (Fi-  plains in simple words, the basic features with regard
             nancial Information Type Schemas) published by Reserve  to the policy and provides necessary information.
             Bank Information Technology Private Limited (ReBlT), as  2. With the above objective in mind, the customer infor-
             updated from time to time.                          mation sheet (CIS) has been devised and is to be pro-
         4. The Financial Information, as defined in para 3(1) (ix) of  vided by insurers to all policyholders.
             the RBI Master Direction, provided by Financial Informa-  3. It is observed that several complaints are still emanat-
             tion Provider (FIP), shall not be used or disclosed by FIUs  ing as a result of asymmetry of information between
             except as may be specified in the consent artefact.  insurer and the policyholder.
         5. The FIUs in insurance sector must disclose prominently  4. In this backdrop, the existing customer information
             on their websites the names of the Account Aggregators  sheet has been improved and now seeks to convey ba-
             through which the information is obtained.          sic information about the policy purchased in a manner
         6. The FIUs in insurance sector shall obtain and use Finan-  that is easily understood.
             cial Information that are required to perform functions  5. The revised format of CIS (Annexure-A) shall be imple-
             specified in its respective regulatory instructions.  mented w.e.f. 01.01.2024.

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