Page 52 - Insurance Times December 2023
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                        7th BIMTECH Insurance Colloquium - 2023

                  on the 3rd November,2023, at the MCA Recreation Centre in Mumbai

         The  theme  of  the  colloquium  was  "Expanding  the  Shri MR Kumar, Former Chairman of LIC of India, delivered the
         Sustainable Value Chain: Climate Change's Impact on  Keynote Address and Prof Bejon Kumar Misra, International
         Property & Casualty, Health and Life Insurance"      Consumer Policy Expert, delivered the Theme Address. This
                                                              year, Mr Atul D. Boda, Group Chairman J. B. BODA GROUP
         The topic generated a comprehensive discussion which went
                                                              was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award.
         into the interrelations between sustainability, insurance,
         climate change, and their collective impact on P&C, health  The release of the "India Insurance Report," which offered
         and life insurance. It brought together various aspects of  insightful information about the current situation of the
                                                              insurance market in India, was one of the event's major
         these critical issues, fostering a dialogue leading to insights,
         solutions, and informed decision-making.             highlights.
                                                              Atul D. Boda, Group Chairman of all the J.B. Boda Group of
         The relationship between sustainability, insurance, and
                                                              Companies, said, "Through 80 years of dedicated work, I have
         climate change is complex and multifaceted, and it has
                                                              been privileged to witness the growth and success of J.B. Boda
         significant relevance to various types of insurance, including  Group, a journey made possible by the collective efforts of a
         Property and Casualty (P&C), health, and life insurance.
                                                              remarkable team. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our
         Insurance companies increasingly recognize the need to  clients, stakeholders, and especially my life partner and family
         address climate-related risks, promote sustainability, and  members for their unwavering support."
         innovate their products and operations to navigate the  Of the three sessions, the first session was about "Climate
         changing landscape effectively.                      Change, Insurance, and Inclusion" while the second session
         There were 3 panel discussions under the broader theme:  was focused on "Innovation in Insurance and Climate
                                                              Change," and the last session was themed around "Life and
         Theme-I: Climate Change, Insurance and Inclusion
                                                              Livelihood Insurance and Consumers."
         Theme-II: Innovations in Insurance and Climate Change
         Theme-III: Life & Livelihood Insurance and Consumer                               Photographs on page 57

                HDFC Life Sets a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ Title for its

                                           'Insure India' Campaign
           Life insurance penetration is still very low in India and thus, there is a need for greater recognition of its importance
           and increased adoption. In order to address this gap, HDFC Life launched the ‘Insure India’ campaign to raise awareness
           on the importance of life insurance amongst Indians. The campaign represents the concept of shared responsibility of
           employees, partners and customers, to drive positive change in ensuring the protection and financial wellbeing of every
           Indian through life insurance products and services.
           As part of this campaign, this year, HDFC Life rolled out series of initiatives amplified through a multi-pronged
           communication strategy to reach individuals across the nation. To take it a step further, HDFC Life created an exclusive
           microsite, urging everyone to join the movement and stand as one to attempt a Guinness World Records™ title. HDFC
           Life achieved this feat for the ‘Largest online selfie mosaic with 19,097 photos’, which stands as a testament to their

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