Page 51 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 51

Deductible can add to benefits

         D         eductibles in health insurance are options that  insurance premium by 20 per cent would be a welcome
                                                              option. This can be extended to family health covers,
                   allow the customer to voluntarily bear a nominal
                                                              floaters or any large cost premiums.
                   portion of the healthcare costs in return for a
                   reduction in premiums. The option is a standard
          feature in developed economies but in India, with still  Different Options
          nascent health insurance markets, deductible is yet to be a  There  can  be  aggregate  deductible  and  a  per  claim
          standard feature.                                   deductible option. An aggregate option would require one
                                                              deductible before accepting the claim against a per claim
          Deductible does seem counterintuitive to the basic premise  deductible which needs a deductible payment for every claim
          of  insurance  that  is  transfer  of  risk.  But  in  certain  made. Between the two, an aggregated deductible would
          circumstances, if the trade-off provided (between deductible  imply a lower outgo and should be the preferred mode.
          and discount) is valuable and bearing the deductible is a
          reasonable assumption, then deductible can lower the cost  Similar to deductible is Copay option. Similar in all manner,
          of premiums. We look at the need for deductibles, the  but the upfront payment by the policyholder is calculated
          different forms of availability and ideal cases of application.  as a percentage of claim rather than as a standard amount
                                                              in a deductible. While deductible is a passive way of reducing
          Deductibles                                         premiums, a copay can distort the nature of protection. If

          For health insurance cover of Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 1 crore,  the policyholder is to bear a portion of costs, which can
          deductibles offered can be in Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000  range 10-25 per cent for claims, any claim above Rs. 35 lakh
          range.  That  is,  to  cover  a  claim  made  of  Rs.  1  lakh,  would  imply  a  considerable outflow  of  cash,  making
          policyholder must first make deductible payment (Rs.  insurance  ineffective.  Between  deductible and copay
          25,000);  only  then  will  rest  of  claim  (Rs.  75,000)  be  (without an upper limit) a deductible is a sound option.
          considered for processing.                          A topup plan also involves a deductible, which is an extension
          For the insurer, more  than the savings on claims, the  of concept of deductible. Topup plans (covers range from
          advantage is from genuine claims and lower processing costs.  Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 50 lakh) are plans separate from base
          The nominal amount can address all the smaller claims, which  health insurance, which are triggered after exceeding a
          would have been made by the policyholder sans a deductible  preset deductible limit, generally ranging at Rs. 35 lakh and
          plan which saves on costs for processing the smaller claims.  met from the base insurance. As can be seen, topup linked
          Also, deductible lowers any slippage to fraudulent activity as  deductible limits are generally met from the base plans and
          upfront commitment of money will deter claims from  hence range in lakhs and are a blownup version of the base
          policyholders who are not acting in good faith.     plan deductibles.
          The policyholder should consider deductible insurance, if the  For policyholders, a manageable amount for deductible upon
          savings on premiums are in the range of 1525 per cent,  incidence of a health risk is a better option to lower premium
          which  they  generally  are.  This  makes  it  ideal  for  costs, which are a constant. The insurer, in a bid to attract a
          policyholders who find premiums on the higher side of  better clientele with lower processing costs, lower level of
          affordability and are willing to make an out-of-pocket  frauds and marginally lower claim outgo, is willing to let go a
          deductible payment if the need arises.              portion of premiums, favouring the policyholder. This can be
                                                              utilised to plan insurance costs optimally.
          Siddharth Singhal of heading Health
          Insurance division feels that deductible is a reasonable  On the flip side, policyholders must consider that, with or
          option to manage premiums cost if one is willing to front  without a deductible option, consumables and nonmedical
          the agreed upon amount for healthcare claims. In case of  costs are being borne by the policyholders and any other
          health insurance for the elderly, where by virtue of age  costs that are subject to sublimits and hence not fully
          alone health premiums exceed Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 1 lakh a  covered. The policyholder will have to bear deductible cost
          year, a Rs. 25,000 deductible plan lowering the cost of  and consumables cost in such cases. (Refer to Business Line)

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