Page 12 - Insurance Times October 2019
P. 12

Health Insurance


          ESIC joins hands with SBI         Ayushman Bharat and Ola sign pact to provide health
          for direct transfer of ben-       insurance for driver partners
                                            In a bid to facilitate comprehensive health insurance for Ola’s 2 million driver-
                                                                       partners, Ola and Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan
          Employees' State Insurance Corpo-                            Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) have re-
                              ration (ESIC)                            cently entered into a partnership.
                              and State
                              Bank of In-                              Vijay Ghadge, Vice President-Operations, Ola,
                                                                       signed an MoU with Praveen Gedam, Deputy
                              dia have re-
                                                                       CEO of AB-PMJAY and National Health Author-
                              cently en-
                              tered into a                             ity to extend the benefits of the Centre-spon-
                                            sored healthcare scheme to provide secondary and tertiary care to driver-part-
          partnership for direct transfer of
                                            ners and their families. A representative from Common Service Centres (CSC),
          benefits electronically into bank ac-
          counts of all stakeholders.       Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, also
                                            signed the pact in the capacity of a third-party administrator.
          According to the agreement, SBI will
                                            Launched in September last year, AB-PMJAY provides 10.74 crore economically
          provide e-payment services directly
          to bank accounts of all ESIC benefi-  backwards and vulnerable families in India with hospitalization benefits through
                                            a health cover of Rs. 5 lakh in government and empanelled private hospitals.
          ciaries and payees without any    As a part of the partnership, the two organizations will work in tandem to iden-
          manual intervention as an inte-
                                            tify driver-partners eligible for the scheme and provide them with access to
          grated and automated process.
                                            benefits under the PM-JAY scheme. Through this collaboration, hundreds of
          ESIC in a statement said that the  thousands of eligible driver-partners will be able to access in-patient care for
          bank would provide e-payment inte-  serious illnesses at a country-wide network of 18,073 government and private
          gration with the enterprise resource  hospitals empanelled under PM-JAY.
          planning processes of ESIC through
                                            Driver-partners can get their AB-PMJAY e-cards issued at the nearest Ola of-
          its cash  management product      fice. This milestone development follows a series of benefits Ola has extended
          epayment technology platform.
                                            to its driver-partners towards their financial inclusion, including access to credit,
          The e-payment integration would ef-  tailored financial products and subsidized insurance and interest rates for their
          fect statutory benefit payments to  personal and professional needs.
          ESIC beneficiaries as well as other  The first phase will see Ola and AB-PMJAY conduct a pilot in Delhi NCR, which
          payees on real time basis, reducing
                                            will subsequently be rolled out at scale to other cities across the country. Eli-
          time lags and delays and at the
                                            gible driver-partners as well as Ola employees, across verticals, will be able to
          same time, help eliminate mistakes  avail the benefits of the program and obtain an Ayushman Bharat card at Rs.
          and errors caused by repetitive and
                                            30. Officials from the National Health Authority will work closely with the con-
          manual data entries. The new sys-  cerned department at Ola to carry out efficient handling of the process from
          tem will benefit all stakeholders of
                                            checking eligibility to handing out AB-PMJAY e-cards. They will also train Ola
                                            staff to execute the process independently.
          12  The Insurance Times, October 2019
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