Page 14 - Insurance Times October 2019
P. 14
Private Life Insurance
Bajaj Allianz Life launches campaign on Bajaj Allianz joins hands with Syndicate
#Early Retirement bank for insurance solutions to its cus-
Bajaj Allianz Life has recently unveiled a campaign tar- tomers
geted at the younger cus- Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance and Syndicate Bank have re-
tomer segment focusing on cently joined hands to offer its life insurance solutions to
millennials looking for early its customers. The insurer’s products
retirement. will be available across the Bank’s
Chandramohan Mehra, Chief branches in India. This partnership also
Marketing Officer, Bajaj makes Bajaj Allianz Life the first non-
Allianz Life, said, “Life Maximiser, the new-age Indian con- bank promoted insurer to partner with
sumer, wants to pursue passion goals, family goals, health Syndicate Bank.
goals or giving-back-to-society goals during a pre-defined Under this partnership, Bajaj Allianz Life
time horizon. To tap into an enormous existing retirement will make available all its retail products
market opportunity, the campaign leverages the popular to the bank’s customers, including savings, retirement, in-
sentiment about early retirement life goal, echoed by Life vestment, protection, critical illness and group credit pro-
Maximisers, to strike brand resonance and influence finan- tection life insurance products.
cial planning with our value-packed solutions.”
Tarun Chugh, MD and CEO, Bajaj Allianz Life said, “We are
The campaign opens with the statement: is this your age pleased to partner with Syndicate Bank, one of the trusted
to retire (Yeh bhi koi umar hai retire hone ki)? Opening banks of the country, and offer new-age life insurance so-
to an office farewell party, the young protagonist takes lutions to their customers. We also look forward to engage
it away from there insisting that now is the best time to our tech-enabled servicing solutions to the Bank employ-
retire as he doesn’t want to wait for tomorrow and jeena ees to empower them with the right tools to engage with
hai today! The treatment of the campaign is young and customers better. I’m confident that through this collabo-
trendy and surely makes the viewers swing a bit. Keep- ration we will be able to help many more Indians achieve
ing to their signature style, Bajaj Allianz Life has yet again their life goals. Bajaj Allianz Life and I look forward to a
provided a campaign unlike any other seen within the life long-term and meaningful partnership with the Bank.”
insurance sector.
“This partnership is in line with our endeavour to expand
Under the #EarlyRetirement, Bajaj Allianz Life is show- our financial services portfolio and provide our customers
casing this campaign across leading TV channels and will with all the required investment and protection products
support it with a strong outreach on radio, outdoor and and services across their life cycle. This, in addition to our
digital platforms. The company also ties in some of its technology driven banking solutions, will ensure customer
powerful retirement products to the campaign viz: new- delight on one hand and shore up our fee income on the
age ULIP - Bajaj Allianz Life LongLife Goal, the monthly other. We welcome Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance as our stra-
income endowment plan - Bajaj Allianz Life Income As- tegic partners and look forward to a long-term associa-
sure and the guaranteed monthly income - Bajaj Allianz tion,” Mrutyunjay Mahapatra, MD and CEO, Syndicate Bank
Life Guaranteed Income Goal. said.
14 The Insurance Times, October 2019