Page 39 - Insurance Times October 2019
P. 39

escalating awareness of various cyber risks, resulting largely  Y  Losses or expenses associated with prosecution and
         in the acceptance of cyber liability insurance policies.  defense cost related to identity theft
                                                              Y  Deceitful online transactions in one's bank account,
         Having a cyber insurance policy makes a                 credit or debit card or e-wallet

         smart business sense                                 Y  Expenses incurred on counseling services treatment
         Cyber insurance policies have been meticulously designed  Y  Claim for damages against third-party for data and
         to help an organization alleviate risk exposure by      privacy breach
         compensating the costs involved with recuperation
                                                              Y  Loss from cyber extortion and transportation for
         following a cyber-related security breach or any such event.
                                                                 attending Court summons
         As the hazardous atmosphere of cybercrime continues to
         develop, the battle between organizations and
                                                              Cyber attackers are evolving and adapting their techniques
         cybercriminals can often feel like an ugly brawl. Companies
                                                              at a quicker pace than defenders. They are also
         and business organizations today need to be financially
                                                              weaponizing and field testing their evasion strategies,
         prepared in order to reduce the impact of cyber-attacks and
                                                              exploits, and skills so they can launch attacks of increasing
         data breaches. This is why having a cyber insurance policy  magnitude. So when adversaries unavoidably wallop their
         makes a smart business move.
                                                              organizations, will defenders be able to battle and how
                                                              swiftly can they recover? Well, that certainly depends
         Cybercrime has increased every year since people try to
                                                              mainly on the steps they're taking today to fortify their
         take advantage of susceptible business systems. Attackers
                                                              security posture against cyberattacks.
         are often on the lookout for ransom - 53 percent of cyber
         attacks resulted in damages of $500,000 or more. Cyber  However, it is even harder to measure the requirement and
         insurance with its origin in Errors & Omissions (E&O)  adequacy of cover in case of cyber extortion. Cyber
         Insurance started flourishing in 2005, with the total value  insurance policies can effectively cover widespread
         of premiums projected to arrive at $7.5 billion by the year  incidents ranging from the cost of dealing with the fallout
         2020. About one-third of the U.S. companies presently  of data breaches to paying fines to hacking and cyber
         purchase some sort of cyber insurance policies, according  extortion. It has been pointed out by the observers that
         to PwC.                                              these risks do not remain static and since cyber attacks are
                                                              often associated with human behavior, it can be hard to
         The above-numbers evidently state that               quantify the risk.
         organizations are considering a special
                                                              Noticeable global cyber insurance trends
         need for cyber insurance, but what does              Considering the nature of its business that generates
         it cover?                                            enormous amounts of data on a regular basis, certain

         In general, cyber insurance policy covers the expenses
         associated with the first parties as well as claims filed by
         the third parties. A typical cyber insurance plan should
         come with common reimbursable expenses. Thus, in terms
         of picking between the two differently available cyber
         insurance policies, find out if these aspects are covered:
         Y   Any financial loss resulting from being a victim of email
             spoofing and phishing

         Y   Reputational liability, including claims alleging invasion
             and defamation of privacy

         Y   Restoration cost to retrieve computer program or data
             damaged by the entry of malware

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