Page 41 - Insurance Times October 2019
P. 41
'Idea Search on adaptive technologies for Renewable Energies' - A
project titled "Bicchuron" in pipeline upon MoU signing of CRI,
Power Cell (MoPEMR) & Green Delta Insurance, Bangladesh
Centre for Research It will be an open
and Information (CRI), competition for the
Power Cell, Power youth of Bangladesh.
Division, Ministry of The winner will be
Power, Energy and selected based on the
Mineral Resources innovative ideas
(MPEMR) and Green supported by the basic
Delta Insurance scientific principles
Company Limited covering design,
(GDIC) signed a operation and utility
Memorandum of aspects of the product
Understanding (MOU) in the renewable
at the CRI office, sector like solar, wind
which entails the and biogas based
agreement to work in energy solutions.
collaboration to find, promote and nurture new innovations,
Five (5) to ten (10) projects will be examined and selected
talent, and solutions. Centre for Research and Information
finally by an expert committee for consideration for
(CRI) intends to engage the Young Bangla (youth network of
financial support and execution at the community level.
CRI) to mobilize the project titled "Bicchuron" all over the
Selected projects will be funded for commercial operation
country. The MoU signing ceremony was held in the
and scale-up for sustainable business model.
presence of the Hon'ble State Minister to the Ministry of
Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Mr. Nasrul Hamid MP; Apart from the idea hunt competition, hundred (100) local
while other signatories were Mr. Mohammad Hossain entrepreneurs will be selected from different parts of the
(Director General, Power Cell, Power Division, MPEMR), Ms. country, who will be provided with technical, strategic and
Farzanah Chowdhury (Chartered Insurer, Managing Director logistics support to roll out an easily scalable and
& CEO, GDIC) and Mr. Sabbir Bin Shams (Executive Director, implementable energy production solution (with no
CRI). geographic dependency).
Introduction and promotion of sustainable & renewable Ans. of September '19 Insurance Quiz contest
energy in the private sector and community level of 1. 2.5 lakh
Bangladesh is a priority now. The project is signed in the 2. Munich Re
backdrop of promoting innovation in sustainable & 3. Axis Bank
renewable energy which may solve power & energy 4. Telengana
5. Bharti AXA Life Insurance
challenges of the marginal group of the country. Two (2)
6. 11
major areas of cooperation are identified which will be
arranged upon the collaboration. 7.
The Insurance Times, October 2019 41