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          as it is relied upon by investors, rang-  and the Indian Contract Act. In a rare  Courts or the State would not provide
          ing from large institutional investors to  instance, the matter witnessed three  legal protection to an inadequately
          retail investors or individuals, who put  rounds of adjudication at SC.  stamped or unstamped instrument.
          hard earned life time savings or retiral  In the first round of adjudication in NN  The decision, rightly, came with a lot
          funds," he said.
                                            Global  Mercantile  Pvt  Ltd  vs  Indo  of criticism. Without having much guid-
                                            Unique Flame Ltd (NN Global - I), a  ance on the practical implications of
          SC rejects TDS on prepaid         three Judge Bench was faced with the  the decision, the references to arbitra-

          SIM sales                         question  -  whether  an  arbitration  tion almost came to a standstill. While
                                            agreement    found    within   an  dealing with referral applications seek-
          Telecom companies received a major  unstamped or inadequately stamped  ing the appointment of an arbitrator,
          relief  as  the  Supreme  Court  ruled
                                            contract would be legally enforceable.  many Courts across India witnessed
          against the demand of tax deducted at  The Bench invoked the doctrine of  parties raising objections pertaining to
          source (TDS) for selling prepaid SIM  separability to hold that an arbitration  stamping. Interestingly, instruments
          cards to the distributors at discounted  clause was deemed to be an indepen-  were also impounded in matters for
          rates.                            dent and a separate contract, com-  further steps to be taken in compli-
          The two-judge bench of Justice Sanjiv  pared with the underlying contract.  ance with the statutory mandate un-
          Khanna and Justice S.V.N. Bhatti passed  In addition, the court opined that in  der the Stamp Act.
          the judgment in response to 40 appeals  contemporary jurisprudence, arbitral  Eventually, in a curative petition, a
          filed by telecom giants such as Bharti  tribunals are believed to be competent  seven Judge Bench of the Supreme
          Airtel and Vodafone Idea regarding the  to rule on issues pertaining to their  Court settled the issue. The SC held
          applicability of TDS on discounts pro-  jurisdiction. However, in its examina-  that the inadequately or improperly
          vided to prepaid distributors for the sale  tion of relevant judicial pronounce-  stamped instruments were inadmis-
          of SIM cards and recharge vouchers.  ments on the issue, this Bench was  sible as evidence under the Stamp Act.
          "The appeals filed by the assessee - cel-  unable to concur with the findings of  There is a fine distinction between void-
          lular mobile service providers, challeng-  another three Judge Bench which ap-  ness and inadmissibility. The voidness of
          ing the judgments of the High Courts of  proved the understanding that arbitra-  an agreement referred to its enforce-
          Delhi and Calcutta are allowed and  tion  agreements  contained  in  ability, whereas inadmissibility focused
                                            unstamped agreements would be un-  on whether a Court could depend on
          these judgments are set aside. The ap-
                                            enforceable.                       the agreement as a piece of evidence
          peals filed by the Revenue challenging
          the  judgments  of  High  Courts  of  In the second round in NN Global - II,  in legal proceedings.
          Rajasthan, Karnataka, and Bombay are  by  a majority verdict,  a  five  Judge  The apex court held that the Stamp
          dismissed in terms of the reportable  Bench rejected these findings - that  Act was a fiscal statute, intended to
          judgment," the judgment noted.    the independent status of an arbitra-  raise revenue and not to arm a litigant
                                            tion clause as a distinct agreement  with a weapon of technicality. At the
          The crux of the matter revolved around
                                            would still leave it eligible to stamp  stage of referring a matter to arbitra-
          whether telecom service providers are  duty. Thus, the five Judge Bench held  tion, a referral court need only check
          obligated to deduct TDS under section
                                            that the foundational premise in NN  for the existence of arbitration agree-
          194H of the Income Tax Act.
                                            Global was untenable.              ment, it said.
          SC  solves  stamp  duty           The Supreme Court also emphasised  This landmark decision not only sets a
                                            that the Stamp Act served as a fiscal  precedent for the harmonious coexist-
          puzzle in arbitration             measure and was designed to be rig-  ence of the Arbitration Act and the

          In a recent seven Judge Bench deci-  orously enforced. An unstamped instru-  Stamp Act but also safeguards the deli-
          sion, the Supreme Court crystallised  ment is liable to be impounded under  cate balance between them. While
          the  legal  position  pertaining  to  a  the applicable provisions of law and, as  rectifying  the  perceived imbalance
          pressing issue which arose in the con-  such, is unenforceable. In essence,  from NN Global - II, the SC has rejected
          text of three laws - the Arbitration and  parties could execute transactions and  prioritising the Stamp Act's revenue
          Conciliation Act, the Indian Stamp Act  goods may exchange hands, but the  objective over the Arbitration Act.

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