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RBI imposes Rs 59.90 lakh         Additionally, a fine of Rs 50,000 was  the specified time despite specific di-
                                            imposed on Chikkamagaluru District  rection issued by RBI.
          penalty  on  Nashik's             Cooperative Central Bank, Karnataka,
          Janalaxmi  Cooperative            for delays in reporting frauds to the  Amit  Shah  launches

          Bank                              National Bank for Agriculture and Ru-  NUCFDC, sets target to es-
                                            ral Development.
          The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has                                  tablish one urban coop-
          imposed a penalty of Rs 59.90 lakh on  RBI  imposes  monetary
          Janalaxmi Cooperative Bank, based in                                 erative bank in each town
          Nashik, for not complying with regula- penalty on five co-opera-     Cooperation  Minister  Amit  Shah
          tions. The RBI discovered that the bank  tive banks for rule viola-  launched the National Urban Coopera-
          did not form a board of management                                   tive Finance and Development Corpo-
          within the extended timeframe pro-  tions                            ration (NUCFDC) and asked the um-
          vided by the RBI. Additionally, the bank  RBI said it has imposed monetary pen-  brella body to set up one urban coop-
          granted credit facilities to its nominal  alty on five co-operative banks viz.,  erative bank in each town.
          members exceeding the prescribed  Mathura Jilla Sahkari Bank, Solapur
          limit and opened/renewed term de-  Janata Sahakari Bank, The Janalaxmi  NUCFDC has received the RBI approval
          posits at interest rates higher than  Co-operative Bank, Chikkamagaluru  to function as a non-banking finance
          those offered by the State Bank of In-  District Cooperative Central Bank, and  company  and  a  self-regulatory
          dia for the same duration.        The Dindigul Urban Co-operative Bank,  organisation for the urban cooperative
                                            for rule violations.               banking sector.
          The bank received a show cause notice
          and, following that, the penalty was  The central bank imposed Rs 1 lakh  After the launch, Shah said, "After 20
          imposed under  the sections  of the  penalty on Mathura Jilla Sahkari Bank,  years, NUCFDC has been established.
          Banking Regulation Act, according to  Rs 59.90 lakh on The Janalaxmi Co-op-  This  is  the  need  of  the  hour.  I  am
          an official statement.            erative Bank, Rs 28.30 lakh on Solapur  happy the RBI has given approval for
                                            Janata Sahakari Bank, Rs 25,000 on The  this." Urban cooperative banks have
          The central bank has imposed a penalty                               been operating in India for a long time,
                                            Dindigul Urban Co-operative Bank, and
          of Rs 28.30 lakh  on Solapur Janata                                  but  could  not  grow  rapidly  even
          Sahakari Bank for appointing a board of  Rs 50,000 on Chikkamagaluru District  though they can play a key role in the
          management  member who  did not   Cooperative Central Bank, release said.
                                                                               country's economic growth, he said.
          meet the 'fit and proper' criteria. The  The  penalty  on  Solapur  Janata
          bank also failed to reconstitute the  Sahakari Bank as the bank had ap-  The main objective of NUCFDC should
          panel within the specified time and con-  pointed a  member  on  its  Board  of  be to help urban cooperative banks
          travened the Supervisory Action Frame-  Management (BoM), who did not sat-  adhere to the Banking Regulations Act
          work by sanctioning fresh loans with risk  isfy the 'Fit and Proper' criteria and it  and  bring  professionalism  in  their
          weights exceeding 100 per cent in FY22.  did not reconstitute the BoM within  work, the minister said.

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