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          collaborations and encouraging tour-  than ever. You are all lucky to be here  Toll collection crosses Rs.
          ism and business ties. The visa, issued  and have gotten an incredible educa-
          within two to five working days, allows  tion. The complexity of how we take  50,000 crore in 10 months
          a 90-day stay, extendable once, with  technology and shape it, you will get  Toll  collection  in  India  touched  Rs
          a total stay not exceeding 180 days in  an  opportunity  to  play  a  big  role  53,289.41 crore in the first ten months
          a  year,  it  said  at  the  travel  event  there," he said.         of this fiscal year, thanks to a sharp
          SATTE.                                                               increase in tolled roads and addition of
          Dubai experienced a surge in tourism Defence  production  to         new FASTag users every year.
          from India, welcoming 2.46 million  touch Rs. 3 lakh crore by        With average monthly collection of Rs
          overnight visitors between January and                               5328.9 crore during the April to Janu-
          December 2023, as reported by the  2028-29: Rajnath                  ary period, toll collection in FY24 is
          Dubai Department of Economy and   India's annual defence production is  poised to hit a record Rs 62,000 crore,
          Tourism (DET). This signifies a substan-  expected to touch Rs 3 lakh crore by  as per government data.
          tial increase from the 1.84 million tour-  2028-29, along with arms exports of Rs
          ists in 2022, surpassing the pre-pan-  50,000 crore, defence minister Rajnath  Annual  toll  collection  stood  at  Rs
                                                                               25,154.76  crore  in  2018-19,  Rs
          demic figure of 1.97 million visitors in  Singh said, stressing that Modi govt is
                                                                               27,637.64  crore  in  2019-20,  Rs
          2019, showcasing an impressive 25 per  focusing on "long-term gains" and "not
          cent growth.                      short-term outcomes" in all sectors to  27,923.80  crore  in  2020-21,  Rs
                                                                               33,907.72  crore in 2021-22  and Rs
                                            make the country a developed one by
          Need  for  innovation             2047.                              48,028.22 crore in 2022-23.
                                                                               The total toll length in the country has
          greater than ever                 Singh said the country had emerged as
                                            a weapons exporter and found a place  risen from 25,996 km in FY19 to 45,428
          The need for innovation to deal with                                 km as of November-end this fiscal,
          different challenges is greater than  in top-25 such countries. "Seven-eight  marking a 75% increase. Toll length
          ever, Microsoft co-founder and philan-  years ago, defence exports did not  stood at 29,666 km in 2019-20, 34,071
          thropist Bill Gates said, asserting that  even  touch  Rs  1,000  crore.  It  has  km in 2020-21, 38,315 km in 2021-22
                                            touched Rs 16,000 crore," he said, at
          Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most                             and 42,595 km in 2022-23.
                                            a defence conclave.
          transformative technology he has seen
          in his lifetime.                                                     GST mop-up in February
                                            PM launches Rs. 1.2 lakh
          Addressing students at Indian Institute                              surges  12.5%  on  better
          of Technology (IIT), Delhi, he encour- crore grain storage plan,

          aged them to leverage the technology  world's largest                consumption
          for social good and asserted that the                                Better consumption, improved compli-
                                            PM Modi recently inaugurated and laid
          AI advances will give them opportuni-                                ance and good collection in majority of
                                            foundation stone of multiple initiatives,
          ties as well as force them  to  think  including a pilot project for world's larg-  States helped mop-up from GST to Rs.
          through the new systems.                                             1.68-lakh crore in February. This is 12.5
                                            est grain storage plan for cooperative
          "I am looking at India in a far broader  sector, and said modernisation of agri-  per cent higher than February of 2023.
          way. I am lucky enough, through the  culture systems is must for making In-  However, there is no indication about
          work of the foundation, to look at in-  dia a developed country.     rate rationalisation in near term.
          novators who can help with all kinds of                              Although on a sequential basis the col-
                                            Currently, there exists a huge gap be-
          problems -- starting with health, but                                lection is 2.2 per cent lower than Janu-
                                            tween grain production and storage
          also agriculture, gender, and climate.  capacity in the country. Data shows  ary, but it needs to be understood that
          We need fantastic Indian innovation,"  that storage capacity with regards to  while the former has 29 days, the lat-
          Gates said during his keynote address                                ter has 31 days to receive collection.
                                            food grain production is only 47% in
          on "Innovation for Public Good".
                                            India, whereas it is 161% in the US,  According to a Finance Ministry state-
          "The need for innovation to deal with  149% in Brazil, 130% in Canada and  ment, growth in February (on y-o-y
          many different challenges is greater  107% in China.                 basis) was driven by a 13.9 per cent rise

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