P. 14


         nity-first approach, involving locals to  billion or around Rs. 41,000 crore as of  13 with the aim of helping one crore
         learn more about and be a part of the  January 2024 compared to that in Janu-  households set up rooftop solar plants
         project.                           ary 2022, according to equity transac-  and get upto 300 units of power free

         The company said the 40 GWh factory  tions carried out by its U.S.-based par-  every month.
                                            ent firm Walmart.
         is set to contribute almost half of the                               While registrations have been "pouring
         projected battery manufacturing ca-  The valuation of the e-commerce firm  in" from all parts of the nation, Assam,
         pacity required for the UK automotive  declined to $35 billion as of January 31,  Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Odisha,
         sector by the early 2030s.         2024, from $40 billion in the financial  Tamil Nadu and UP have seen over five
         "Our multi-billion-pound investment will  year ended on January 31, 2022, as per  lakh applications each, Modi said in
         bring state-of-the-art technology to  Walmart's change in equity structure  social media post, describing this as an
         Somerset,  helping  to  supercharge  in Flipkart.                     "outstanding news".
         Britain's transition to electric mobility
         whilst creating thousands of jobs in the Hire apprentices: Govt no- Atmanirbhar Bharat: De-
         process, said Tom Flack, CEO of Agratas.  tice to 180,000 firms       fence production to hit Rs.

         Electronics exports grow           The Ministry of Skill Development and  3 lakh crore by FY 29
                                            Entrepreneurship last week sent no-
         at record 22%                      tices to nearly 180,000 companies,  The annual defence production is ex-
                                                                               pected to touch Rs. 3 lakh crore from
         India's electronics exports grew at a  asking them to comply with NO 19113  Rs. 16,000  crore  now, and  defence
         record 22.24% to cross the $20 billion  the provisions of the Apprenticeship  exports Rs. 50,000 crore by 2028-29,
         mark in the first nine months of FY24,  Act and hire the mandated number of  Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said
         propelled  by  booming smartphone  apprentices.                       while insisting that  the new-found
         shipments, spearheaded by Apple's  This move comes at a time when the  thrust is a result of the government's
         iPhone.                            Congress has decided to guarantee a  focus on long-term gains to make In-
         According to industry body India Cellu-  first job through a "right to apprentice-  dia a developed nation by 2047.
         lar and Electronics Association (ICEA),  ship law" in its election manifesto.  Ahead of nation going to polls, Singh
         mobile phone exports reached $10.5  "To increase the uptake of apprentice-  enumerated the reforms undertaken in
         billion during April to December 2023,  ship, compliance notices were sent to  the defence sector in the last few years
         comprising 52% of total electronics  nearly 180,000 companies registered  for long-term gains, including creation
         exports. In FY23, electronics exports  on the apprenticeship portal.  They  of the post of Chief of Defence Staff
         stood at $23.6 billion, of which mobile  were reminded that it is the last month  and setting up of the Department of
         phones comprised $11.1 billion or 43%.  of this financial year and they should  Military Affairs for enhancing jointness,
         Industry data showed iPhones were  fulfil their obligation under the Act by  synergy  and  smooth  coordination
         the single largest contributor to the  recruiting the requisite apprentices,"  among the three services. Now, the
         surge in both electronics and mobile  the person said.                Indian Army, the Indian Navy and the
         exports this fiscal.  iPhone exports,                                 Indian Air Force no longer operate in
         which crossed $7 billion in December Rooftop solar cross 1 core       silos, he said as per the Ministry of

         2023, constituted 35% of total elec-  mark,  hit  target  in  a       Defence (MoD).
         tronics exports and a whopping 70% of
         the country's total mobile exports in  month                          Dubai introduces  5-year
         the nine months ended December.    More than one crore households have
                                            queued up for central financial assis-  multiple-entry visa for In-
         Flipkart valuation declines        tance under rooftop solar scheme, top-  dians
                                            ping govt's target within a month of  Dubai has introduced a five-year mul-
         by  over  $5  billion  in  2       PM Modi announcing the 'PM-Surya
                                                                               tiple-entry visa to enhance travel be-
         years                              Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana'.          tween India and Dubai, reflecting the

         Flipkart's valuation has declined by $5  Modi had launched the scheme on Feb  commitment to sustained economic

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