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         India's forex reserves jump        telligence through public-private part-  foundational models with a capacity of
                                            nerships.                          more  than  100  billion  parameters.
         $6.55 billion  to  $625.63                                            These  models  will  be  trained  on
                                            Ahead of the general elections, the
         billion                            government also announced the exten-  datasets covering major Indian lan-
                                                                               guages  for priority  sectors  such  as
         India's forex reserves surged $6.55 bil-  sion of Rs 300 per LPG cylinder subsidy  health care, agriculture, and gover-
         lion to $625.626 billion during the week  to  poor  women  under  the  Ujjwala  nance. AI curation units (ACUs) will also
         ended March 1, according to the lat-  Yojana for the next financial year start-  be developed in 50-line ministries.
         est RBI data.                      ing April 1. The move, likely to benefit
                                            nearly 100 million families, will cost the
         For the week ended March 1, the for-                                  CCI proposes new norms
                                            government Rs 12,000 crore.
         eign currency assets, a major compo-  The government had in October last for turnover
         nent of  the reserves,  increased by
                                            year hiked the subsidy from Rs 200 per  The Competition Commission of India
         $6.043 billion to $554.231 billion, the
                                            14.2-kg cylinders for up to 12 refills per  has proposed that indirect taxes, trade
         data said.
                                            year to Rs 300 per bottle. The Rs 300  discounts, and intra-group sales will not
         Gold reserves increased by $569 million  per cylinder subsidy was for 2023-24.  be considered while computing the
         to $48.417 billion during the week. The  Under the India AI Mission, a key fo-  turnover of an entity for imposing a
         special drawing  rights (SDRs)  were
                                            cus area is to develop high-end com-  penalty for any violation of the rules.
         down by $17 million to $18.18 billion,  pute capacity within the country, for  The fair trade regulator has invited
         according to the data.             which the government will facilitate  stakeholder comments on the pro-
         India's reserve position with the IMF  the setting up of more than 10,000  posed regulation by January 12 next
         was also down by $41 million to $4.798  graphics processing units (GPUs) under  year, according to a notice.
         billion in the reporting week, the apex  the public-private partnership (PPP)  The  measure  is  aimed  at  framing
         bank data showed.                  model.                             norms for the purpose of imposition of
                                            Additionally, an AI marketplace will be  penalties on enterprises and persons
         Cabinet nod for India AI           created to offer AI-as-a-service and  based on turnover or income of such
                                            pre-trained models to innovators.  enterprises and persons.
         mission with  Rs.  10,372
                                            Of the total outlay around Rs 4,500  "The Competition (Amendment) Act,
         crore outlay for 5 years           crore would be used for building com-  2023, inter alia, amended Section 27,

         The Union Cabinet evening approved  pute infrastructure and close to Rs  48 and Section 64 of the Act empow-
         an outlay of Rs 10,372 crore for five  2,000 crore has been earmarked for  ers the CCI to frame regulations for
                                            financing deep-tech startups.
         years for the India AI Mission, aimed                                 the purposes of imposition of penalty
         at fostering innovation in artificial in-  The India AI mission aims to develop  on enterprise and/or person based on

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