P. 8


         Reserve Bank

         Online  portal  for  farm          lower the security deposit paid by the  cerns"  observed  in  the  non-bank
                                            warehouse owner from the current 3%  financier's gold loan portfolio.
         loan                               to 1% of the value of stock. The minis-

         Govt  launched  an  online  platform  ter added that under this mechanism  The central bank said the lapses, which
                                                                               comprised regulatory violations, ad-
         which seamlessly enables farmers to  farmers will easily get loans without  versely impact the interest of the cus-
         get  bank  loans  for  the  next  crop  any collateral.               tomers. The RBI had carried out an
         against  their  agricultural  produce
                                                                               inspection of the company regarding its
         stocked with godowns registered with  RBI  approves  merger  of       financial position as on 31 March 2023.
         Warehouse Development and Regula-
         tory Authority (WDRA).             Fincare SFB with AU SFB            During the inspection, RBI found "se-
                                            The  Reserve  Bank of  India  has ap-  rious deviations" in the assaying and
         This facility  to  obtain post-harvest                                certification of gold used as collateral
         loans from banks against the stock is  proved the merger between Fincare  for loans and during auctions upon
                                            Small Finance Bank Ltd. and AU Small
         expected to help farmers avoid distress                               default.
                                            Finance Bank Ltd. The board of the
         sale of fresh harvest and curtail depen-
                                            bank had approved the merger in Oc-  In a statement, the central bank noted
         dence on money lenders.
                                            tober 2023, following which it received  violations in the maximum allowed
         The digital gateway - e-Upaja Kisaan  shareholder  approval in November  loan-to-value ratio and found that IIFL
         Nidhi - launched by food and consumer  2023.                          Finance exceeded permitted cash col-
         affairs minister Piyush Goyal allows  "The effective date of the amalgam-  lections, failed to adhere to the stan-
         farmers to avail loan at 7% interest                                  dard auction process, and lacked trans-
                                            ation shall be April 1, 2024. All the
         rate for 6-7 months and thereby en-                                   parency in the fees charged by the
                                            branches of Fincare Small Finance Bank
         ables them to decide when to sell their                               company.
                                            Ltd. will function as branches of AU
         stocked produce to get a good price.  Small Finance Bank Ltd. with effect
         The online gateway has been devel-                                    Government, RBI in talks
                                            from April 1, 2024," RBI said in a state-
         oped jointly by the departments of food                               to boost e-commerce ex-
         and financial services, and Nabard.
         So far 5,634 warehouses are regis-  RBI  asks  IIFL  Finance  to      The commerce ministry is in discussions
         tered with WDRA and more are being                                    with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to
         added every year.                  stop  sanctioning  gold            facilitate  e-commerce  exports  by
         Goyal said this would help increase loans                             liberalising the Foreign Exchange Man-
         farmers' income and make agriculture  RBI has asked IIFL Finance to stop the  agement  Act  (FEMA)  guidelines,
         an attractive proposition. He also an-  sanctioning and disbursement of gold  Santosh Kumar Sarangi, Director Gen-
         nounced that the WDRA would soon   loans, citing "material supervisory con-  eral of Foreign Trade (DGFT) said.

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