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         IndusInd  Bank  launches IOB appoints Dhanaraj as                     we're jumping into it," Wyatt Crowell,
                                                                               head of commercial banking at HSBC,
         payment wearables                  new Executive Director             told Reuters in an interview. "It's gone

         IndusInd  Bank  introduced  'Indus  Banker Dhanaraj T has assumed office  way better than I thought it was go-
         PayWear,' a new wearable payment   as the Executive Director of the Indian  ing to go, both in terms of the volume
         solution,  available  on  Mastercard.  Overseas Bank (IOB). The appointment  of  deals  and  our  win  rate  on  the
         These  wearables  enable  users  to  is for three years effective from March  deals."
         tokenise their IndusInd Bank cards for  10, 2024, according to a statement.
         tap-and-pay     transactions   at  Prior  to  this  role,  the  53-year-old  Delhi-born Geeta Batra is
         contactless Point-of-Sale (PoS) termi-  served as the chief general manager at
         nals worldwide.                    Indian Bank. Beginning his career as a  1st  woman  director  of
                                            rural development officer in 1994, he World Bank body
         The company reported, with a mobile
         app, users can easily set up their cards  holds an agricultural engineering de-  Geeta Batra, an India-born economist,
         on the wearable and switch between  gree from the Tamil Nadu Agricultural  has been named as the new director
         them. Advanced tokenisation technol-  University.                     at the Independent Evaluation Office
         ogy ensures transaction security by                                   (IEO) of the World Bank's Global Envi-
         replacing  actual  card  details  with HSBC to hire 50 bankers        ronment Facility (GEF), making her the
         unique 'tokens.' Transactions below  for startup lending              first ever woman from a developing
         Rs. 5,000  can be made with a tap,                                    country  to  hold  the  coveted  post.
         while those exceeding Rs. 5,000 re-  HSBC is planning to recruit about 50  Batra, 57, is currently the chief evalu-
                                            more bankers in its U.S. commercial  ator and deputy director for evaluation
         quire the PIN entry as per RBI guide-
         lines.                             bank to lend to startup companies,  at the GEF IEO, affiliated to the World
                                            mainly  in  the  technology  and   Bank.
         Sumant  Kathpalia,  MD  &  CEO  of  healthcare sectors, according to a se-
         IndusInd  Bank, stated, "We aim to  nior executive.                   Batra's name was unanimously recom-
         shape a seamless and secure payment                                   mended for the coveted position at the
                                            The London-headquartered bank hired  66th GEF council meeting.
         future  with  innovations  like  Indus
         PayWear." Gautam Aggarwal, Division  about 40 people from Silicon Valley  "My top priorities will be to deliver
                                            Bank after the latter lender failed a
         President,  South  Asia, Mastercard,                                  sound evaluative evidence on the re-
         commented, "Indus Paywear delivers  year ago. The innovation banking busi-  sults and performance of the GEF, pro-
         flexibility, convenience and security,  ness at HSBC now stands at about 60  vide leadership to ensure that the GEF
         reflecting Mastercard's commitment  employees and is focused on serving  IEO stays at the forefront of environ-
         to empowering consumers in the digi-  early- and mid-stage companies.  mental evaluation and strengthen the
         tal age."                          "There's this void in the market and  IEO teams and invest in skills," Batra

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