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         lent  transactions,  it  is  critical  to  PPIs are instruments that facilitate  a senior bank executive aware of the
         strengthen monitoring systems and use  purchases of goods and services, finan-  matter.
         technology to detect potential frauds  cial  services,  remittance  facilities,  The secondary identifiers will allow
         before they materialise. "Maintaining  among others, against the value stored  tracing multiple accounts of an indi-
         a focus on root cause analysis of con-  in them.
                                                                               vidual if they are not linked and are
         sumer grievances can result in prevent-  In the latest amendment, the RBI said  opened with different KYC documents.
         ing such complaints from coming up
                                            PPIs  for the "Mass Transit System"
         repeatedly," he said.
                                            (MTS) would contain the "Automated  RBI clears 'interoperable'
         Cyber security challenges can expose  Fare Collection" application related to
         consumers to identity theft, fraud, and  transit services, toll collection, and  net banking payments
         unauthorised access to personal informa-  parking.                    RBI governor Shaktikanta Das said the
         tion, which can affect consumer trust.                                central bank has approved a platform
                                            The outstanding amount will not ex-
         "Financial institutions must dedicate  ceed  Rs  3,000,  the  regulator  said.  that will facilitate online merchants to
         substantial efforts to protect customer  While these instruments can be re-  receive payments from any bank via
         information and ensure that vulner-  loaded, withdrawing cash, refund, or  internet banking, without signing up
         abilities exposing customers to risk are  fund transfer will not be permitted in  for every bank.
         promptly identified and addressed,"  PPIs.                            Bharat Bill Payment System, an arm of
         the governor said. He further added                                   the National Payments Corporation of
         that the litmus test of the working of  Banks keen to know cus-       India, will implement a new system of
         any institution or entity is the efficacy                             interoperable net banking payments.
         of its grievance redressal mechanism.  tomers  better,  address       This feature will make it easier for
                                            verification layers                smaller businesses to do e-commerce,
         RBI  allows  banks,  non-          Banks  are  working  on  updates  to  as even small payment aggregators
         bank of issue PPIs for pub-        strengthen their KYC (Know Your Cus-  can provide this service without on-

         lic transport                      tomer) standards by adding extra veri-  boarding banks individually. The lower
                                            fication layers to identify accounts and  effort for payment aggregators is ex-
         RBI has allowed banks and non-banks  account holders. Under the plan being  pected  to  result in  lower payment
         to issue prepaid payment instruments  discussed with the Reserve Bank of  charges for merchants.
         (PPIs) for public transit services such as  India and the  government,  lenders  Das said that internet banking is one
         metro, buses, rail, waterways, tolls,  would update all existing accounts,  of the oldest modes of online merchant
         and parking.
                                            especially those with a single phone  payment transactions and is a pre-
         The regulator amended the guidelines  number linked to multiple or joint ac-  ferred channel for payments like in-
         for PPIs for mass transit systems (MTS).  counts. Banks would also seek more  come tax, insurance premiums, mutual
         It said such PPIs could be issued with-  verification from individuals having  fund payments, and e-commerce.
         out a "know your customer" (KYC) veri-  multiple accounts opened with differ-  At present, such transactions processed
         fication of the holder.            ent documents.                     through payment aggregators are not
         "Public transport systems across the  This comes even as the government has  interoperable. A bank must integrate
         country cater to a multitude of com-  set up a committee led by finance sec-  separately with each PA of different
         muters on a daily basis. To provide con-  retary TV Somanathan to standardise  online merchants and there must be an
         venience,  speed,  affordability, and  and  ensure  KYC  norms  are   arrangement between the customer's
         safety of digital modes of payment to  interoperable across the financial sec-  bank and the merchant's PA.
         commuters for transit services, it has  tor.
         been decided to permit authorised                                     With RBI's new rule, you
         bank and non-bank PPI issuers to issue  "We are looking at multi-level second-
         PPIs for making payments across vari-  ary identifiers such as PAN,   can choose card network
         ous public transport systems," the cen-  Aadhaar, and unique mobile number  In a move aimed at boosting competi-
         tral bank said.                    (UMN) for joint accounts as well," said  tion, RBI has ordered card issuers to

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