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          turnover or income of such enterprise  pounded  from  the  possession  of  share of the total debt at USD 531 bil-
          and/or person," CCI said.         Parveen Kumar. The officials have also  lion (Rs 44.16 lakh crore) in the second
          Under Section 27 of the Competition  attached five bank accounts that were  quarter of the current fiscal, as per the
          Act, 2002, the CCI can impose penal-  used to park the proceeds by the syn-  report.
          ties on enterprises or individuals for
          participating  in  anti-competitive                                  PSUs to charge up govern-
          agreements or abusing a dominant  India's total debt rises to        ment's  rooftop  solar
          position.                         Rs. 205-lakh crore in Sep-
          Rs. 1,000 crore GST eva-          tember quarter                     NTPC, NHPC, Power Grid Corporation
                                            The country's total debt, or the total
          sion racket busted                outstanding bonds which are being  and SJVN to support its efforts to push
          The Tax Officials under goods and ser-  traded in the market, rose to USD 2.47  households to adopt the rooftop solar
          vice tax (GST) has busted a syndicate  trillion (Rs 205 lakh crore) in the Sep-
          that fraudulently claimed Input Tax  tember quarter, according to a report.  Guidelines  to  be  announced  soon
          Credit of over Rs 1,000 crore through  The total debt amount in the March  would allow these public sector units
          a network of 232 fake firms.      quarter of the previous fiscal was USD  to cover the installation cost for the

          The investigation was initiated by the  2.34 trillion (Rs 200 lakh crore).  solar systems and offer a rent for us-
          anti-evasion branch of Central Goods  The central government's debt stood  ing the rooftop of houses having a low
          and    Services    Tax    (CGST)  at USD 1.34 trillion, or Rs 161.1 lakh  power demand to make the proposi-
          Commissionerate, Meerut in October  crore, in the September quarter, up  tion attractive, people privy to the
          2023 which detected that a large syn-  from USD 1.06 trillion, or Rs 150.4 lakh  plan told ET. The companies could re-
          dicate was fraudulently claiming Input  crore, in the March quarter, Vishal  cover the investment by the sale of
          Tax Credit (ITC) by way of fake billing.  Goenka, CoFounder of,  excess electricity after the consump-
                                                                               tion by the households.
          "The investigation conducted so far has  said, quoting data provided by the
          revealed that a total number of 232  Reserve bank of India.          "The companies will form subsidiaries to
          fake firms, with 91 firms registered on, which was launched  implement the rooftop project plan.
          a single mobile number, are registered  in 2021, is a Sebi-registered online  Roof rent will help lower income houses
          at various places across the country  bond platform that provides investing  to move to the rooftop solar projects,"
          and have passed an inadmissible ITC of  solutions.                   a senior government official told.
          around Rs. 1,048 crore. Total value of                               The move comes after the ministry of
                                            The report is a collation of data from
          goods shown to be supplied through                                   new and renewable energy raised the
                                            the RBI, Clearing Corporation of India,
          these firms is around Rs. 5,842 crore,"                              central financial assistance for the roof-
                                            and the Securities and Exchange Board
          the finance ministry said in a state-  of India.                     top solar programme.
                                            At  Rs 161.1 lakh  crore, the central
          Many 'Full Fledged Money Changer  government's debt  constitutes  the  Tata Group  firm  agratas
          Companies' (FFMCs) were used for  highest 46.04 per cent share of the confirms site of UK's big-
          parking/routing of funds generated
                                            total amount.
          through fraudulently passed on ITC, it                               gest EV battery factory
          said.                             State governments' debt share was  Agratas, Tata Group's global battery
                                            24.4 per cent, or USD 604 billion (Rs  business, confirmed that it will build
          These firms were operated by master-  50.18 lakh crore), the report said.
          mind Praveen Kumar, who was filing                                   Britain's biggest electric vehicle bat-
          the GST returns for all the fake firms.  Treasury bills were worth USD 111 bil-  tery manufacturing facility in Somerset,
          Apart from the common mobile num-  lion, or Rs 9.25 lakh crore, constitut-  south-west England.
          ber  which  was  used  to  create  and  ing 4.51 per cent of the total debt, it  The so-called gigafactory, will be built
          manage  91  firms,  10  more  mobile  said.                          on the Gravity Smart  Campus near
          phones  and  03  laptops  were  im-  Corporate bonds had a 21.52 per cent  Bridgwater in Somerset with a commu-

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